A wide range of newbie questions...

Nov 9, 2008
1. Are there such things as reclusive fish? One of the tetras (glowlight) has been hiding in the bushy plant we have. He barely even came out when I fed the fish tonight. I think one of the red skirt tetras is a bully as he chases the others around (or is that normal behavior). I am afraid my poor little glowlight is going to just die under the plant.

2. The tank has been doing great. All levels are testing well 0/0/and low nitrates. I added some fish Sunday, then more on Monday after the fishless cycle (as some recommended just putting them all in now). So...hopefully the tank can handle it. But, if it wasn't really ready - how long would a tank (20gallons) take to show the bioload is to heavy? To be truthful, I am convinced I screwed it up, and one morning I will wake up to everything spiked and dead fish.....

3. what do we do about water changes and filter changes. The filter was in without the fish for about 3.5 weeks. When should I change it, and do i just buy a new one? or squeeze the old one out? Should I wait until I buy another tank and put the old filter in there (ok - I jest on that one...but a tiny bit serious)...and when should I do a water change? Should I wait until the nitrates are testing higher? (or some other issue crops up).

4. is it bad I have a bully? He chases the other fish around a bit. They don't really seem to enjoy it...but then maybe they do. who really knows - they are fish!

5. I want to add a bottom feeder as they are letting some food get to the bottom. So I think we all agreed a shrimp is the way to go. Should I do that this weekend? or should i let the tetras settle in a while longer?

6. I thought fish should be fed once a day...only what they ate in a minute.a couple flakes per fish..but sometimes I read twice a day. sometimes I think i am giving too much (but the food is gone fast, and the red skirt eat alot of the food, and the poor glowlights dont get as much and so sometimes I throw in a couple extra flakes for them....What is the scoop on what I SHOULD be doing?



Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I will try to answer what I can..

#1 I have never dealt with any of these fish but usually a aggressive fish in a community will at the very least stress and worse kill others..someone else can give better info based on the specifics.

#2 If you did add to many at once you may see a small spike but IME it probably wont hurt anyone, I think it was mentioned that if you did a fishless cycle you actually have more bacteria than you need thus not needing to add as slowly as someone who does a fish in cycle, so you will probably be ok.

#3 These are both a matter of preference.. most seem to recommend a minimum of 20% water change weekly.. you water params may determine the need for more frequent or possibly even going 2 weeks between..IMO dont let your nitrates go above 40ppm.
As for the filter..that verys between people..I havent changed the media in months in my lightly stocked tanks..I usually base the need on water flow..if its flowing good i leave it be..maybe rinse it but not replace it..I only replace it when water flow is reduced.

#4 yes..this is really the same as question 1.. ;)

#5 dont know on when u should add them but what kind of shrimp..if they are ghost shrimp and you see white "guts" in them dont buy them as this is a parasite. reportedly it wont hurt fish but seems to kill the host when it leaves them. I actually found this out last night on another forum. google horsehair worms if u want to see what i am talking about.

#6 fish are "wild" animals they are hardwired to eat as much as they can as often as they can..in the wild a meal may only come by once every couple days so they try to eat as much as they can. I feed every day or 2. Fish will learn to beg for food as well..dont give in.

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Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
Brian, You beat me to the punch. But here's my take on these questions anyway:

1. Are there such things as reclusive fish? One of the tetras (glowlight) has been hiding in the bushy plant we have. He barely even came out when I fed the fish tonight. I think one of the red skirt tetras is a bully as he chases the others around (or is that normal behavior). I am afraid my poor little glowlight is going to just die under the plant.
Not sure about Tetra behavior but some fish are bullies and others reclusive. Feed them enough and the little ones should get to some of it.

2. The tank has been doing great. All levels are testing well 0/0/and low nitrates. I added some fish Sunday, then more on Monday after the fishless cycle (as some recommended just putting them all in now). So...hopefully the tank can handle it. But, if it wasn't really ready - how long would a tank (20gallons) take to show the bioload is to heavy? To be truthful, I am convinced I screwed it up, and one morning I will wake up to everything spiked and dead fish.....
Just check your Nitrites and Ammonia every day for a while. If Nitrites and/or Ammonia rise do a 50% water change. If the new water is properly de-chlored you cannot change it too often. Just watch out for temperature shock.

3. what do we do about water changes and filter changes. The filter was in without the fish for about 3.5 weeks. When should I change it, and do i just buy a new one? or squeeze the old one out? Should I wait until I buy another tank and put the old filter in there (ok - I jest on that one...but a tiny bit serious)...and when should I do a water change? Should I wait until the nitrates are testing higher? (or some other issue crops up).
Not sure what kind of filter you have but I've gone well over two months without touching a filter. I think I'll cut it back to once a nmonth though. If it is a sponge type just rinse it out in tank water or de-clorinated water so you don't kill all of the beneficial bacteria in it. If you have a two or three stage/media filter just do one part of it and wait a week or so. You don't want to wash all of the bacteria out of it. If it is a sponge type I see no reason to replace it. Again, water changes; do at least 25% per week, de-chlor'ed, for any tank, including healthy tanks.

4. is it bad I have a bully? He chases the other fish around a bit. They don't really seem to enjoy it...but then maybe they do. who really knows - they are fish!
Not sure. You'll have to decide.

5. I want to add a bottom feeder as they are letting some food get to the bottom. So I think we all agreed a shrimp is the way to go. Should I do that this weekend? or should i let the tetras settle in a while longer?
I didn't know that Shrimp are bottom feeders. I'd suggest vacuuming the gravel. Get a Python. Search these forums for "Python".

6. I thought fish should be fed once a day...only what they ate in a minute.a couple flakes per fish..but sometimes I read twice a day. sometimes I think i am giving too much (but the food is gone fast, and the red skirt eat alot of the food, and the poor glowlights dont get as much and so sometimes I throw in a couple extra flakes for them....What is the scoop on what I SHOULD be doing?
Just watch them and use common sense. If you over feed you'll be doing more vacuuming, filter cleaning and water changing.