Turtles need UVA/UVB light for proper shell growth..reptisun 5.0 is a good choice..this can not be provided by incandescents.
Turtles produce alot of would need excellent filtration..being unemployeed you may have time to do daily water changes though
Turtles are predators..they will eat fish...they dont care how much they cost they are a food item..even a small turtle will catch and consume bigger fish.
Turtles need space...55G would be ok for a while but not very long... reptiles do not grow to the environment they are kept in..they dont get stunted..they grow to their natural size if cared for properly.. and will grow to a full deformed size if in cramped quaters.
I will skip the somanella speach since you have a bird and they can carry somanella as well.
If any of these are not met you will put the turtle thru a slow agonizing death sentence.