May go to dark side


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
OMG bobs posting in the salty forum.

Since im getting older and my life line allowence runs out when i turn 16 or get a job. So a job will becomeing by summer.

Any way I was thinking of buying one of those aquapod aquarium probaly the 24gal. I have a few questions.
Is the lighting good on the aquapod tanks? Will i be able to keep most corals?How much am i looking at for the aquapod 12gal? 24gal?
Howmany pounds of live rock whould i need?
Does a scimmer come with the tank?


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
My 2 Aquapod 12s were nice. I'd go for the 24 gal one though to give you some more room. The lights are ok for soft corals, xenia, zoa, etc. My torch did good too but most LPS and SPS need more light. You can always upgrade later and put a Sunpod halide on it or similar.

Neither has a skimmer, I didn't use one I just changed water weekly in them. I had about 15 lbs of live rock in each my 12 gallons. If you buy them new the 12 is around $170 I'd try and get one off Craigslist that's running already if you can. I bought an Aquapod 12 off CL for $65. For less then $170 you may be able to find one with a running reef.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Quick ban him! ;)

It actually works out well, because by the time you feel comfortable keeping harder corals, you can upgrade the light. But to start that light is good to keep the corals to start you off.

I think those all in one tanks are pretty good to start off in. Especially if you arn't handy or do a lot of DIY. They have a nice clean look to them as well.

I don't run a skimmer on my 10gal, though i've toyed with the idea as it could help out. I know a lot of people who run skimmerless AP24's, i also know a lot who run a skimmer. Do or don't, I wouldn't worry TO much as its a small enough tank to do regular good WCs in it and you will be fine. Its one of those things (on tanks this small), that you can add it if you have the money or not even worry about it if you don't IMO. Also depends on how diligent you want to be with WCs.

I personally look for certain pieces of LR rather then poundage. Which pieces fit the setup best.