Fat betta getting stuck!

My female betta Kissyboots has been getting stuck behind the filter tube lately. She used to swim there all the time when she was...thinner. She's kinda fat now and will occasionally get stuck there. I don't know why she keeps doing it. I've had her for almost a year and she's like twice the size of my newest male betta (Finfin.) Uh oh! She's doing it again right now! Any suggestions why she's doing that? I don't want her to die there...:(


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
One of my bettas never learned that he could easily be sucked into the filter intake. He got himself plastered to the side of the intake dozens of times and never learned better.

I would take jen0910's advice and put something there to keep him out of there.


Small Fish
Jan 21, 2008
Our male betta gets himself stuck up against our overflows all the time. You un-stick him and then he goes right back and gets stuck again. (Duh!?) He's not getting hurt or anything, but it bugs the heck outta me. My best advice is trying to put something there to block her route. (I'm still working on trying to find something to fix our little betta problem too.)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
You could wedge filter sponge stuff there to keep her from going back there with out hindering water flow.

I have a fat female betta too, Fiona, she is the queen of my tank and I'm trying to put her on a diet but she keeps stealing anything edible that enters the tank weather it's for her or not (mainly she keeps stealing from my poor cories! She picks up their wafers and carries them off where they can't get them!). Fortunitely now that she's fat they can move faster then she can so hopefully she'll learn her lesson.


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
You could wedge filter sponge stuff there to keep her from going back there with out hindering water flow.

I have a fat female betta too, Fiona, she is the queen of my tank and I'm trying to put her on a diet but she keeps stealing anything edible that enters the tank weather it's for her or not (mainly she keeps stealing from my poor cories! She picks up their wafers and carries them off where they can't get them!). Fortunitely now that she's fat they can move faster then she can so hopefully she'll learn her lesson.
Have you tried netting her, then feeding everyone else?


Medium Fish
May 3, 2008
my female betta used to get stuck at the fliter alot but she stoped doing it eventuly. but lately she has goten a huge white lump under her gils and i'm as consuded as you are.

This thread is old and Kissyboots (the fish) is long dead...

my female betta used to get stuck at the fliter alot but she stoped doing it eventuly. but lately she has goten a huge white lump under her gils and i'm as consuded as you are.
As for your betta, could it possibly be ich? I'd look into that cuz it doesn't sound good...

Jan 2, 2009
Our male betta gets himself stuck up against our overflows all the time. You un-stick him and then he goes right back and gets stuck again. (Duh!?) He's not getting hurt or anything, but it bugs the heck outta me. My best advice is trying to put something there to block her route. (I'm still working on trying to find something to fix our little betta problem too.)
One thing that I like to do is put the aquarium divider around the intake and output of the filter in a C so that the suction from the filter is dissipated enough not to suck the little Betta around into the intake. It also does a good job filtering as well. The Lees AQ2 Dividers work well enough for me, I didn't use the tops or bottoms so it flexes, no one said it had to divide a tank. Just a thought. :p The betta also found herself quite content to sit near the filter and bask in the new found movement.