Just got back from the LFS


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I picked up everything except the tank and stand, LFS guy is going to bring it when he closes the store tonight at six pm,(central time,lol) I stopped by the hardware store on the way home and picked up all the stuff to plumb the tank, I think, he threw alot of stuff at me in a short anount of time, I know I forgot the PVC glue. What I got: 4 t-5 light bulbs and the hardware to mount them, one super skimmer 220 gallons, one return pump, two power heads 1200gph each, one heater, two fourty pound bags of live sand and one 20 pound bag of live sand, and one sump tank ( which is almost as big as the FW tank I just got rid of, lol), I think thats about all. What I still have ordered is LED night lights. I still need to get a heater and thermometer for the trash can I will be makeing my water change water in, and the water test kits. Since my wife is working today I was able to pull all the sticky price tags off all the boxes, lol. Anyway, if there is something else ya'll think that I might need, feel free, to speak up.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sounds like you have most of your stuff together. Make sure that you don't use any metal fittings in the water for your plumbing. They can eventually cause problems (even stainless steel).

I'm assuming you have some kind of pump for the water change can. You'll need one to circulate the water. One piece of advice I have for filling the water change bucket is to set a kitchen timer for it. It's really easy to forget it's filling and end up with a flood.

I'm sure your wife will ask you how many trips to the hardware store you needed... one apparently is never enough. :p


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The only metal I have is two hose clamps, I do have a pump for the water change can, I was thinking about a shut off float valve in the water change can with two settings in it, one at 10% and 20% water change, still thinkin about that one. Am hoping the weather is nice tommrow so I can paint the back of the tank.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Did you by chance get either a hydrometer or a refractometer? Personally I like the refractometer better as I think it is more accurate than the swing arm hydrometers out there.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
One piece of advice I have for filling the water change bucket is to set a kitchen timer for it. It's really easy to forget it's filling and end up with a flood.
.....yeah I filled a 46 gallon tank today... took a few buckets... you can easily get distracted and forget about one....big mess


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have a cheap, deep six Hydrometer, not sure how it works yet, can't put water in the tank til next Saterday or warranty is void, so I have time to figure it out. THE TANK AND CABNET ARE AT THE HOUSE, lol. The tank is out side on the picnic table. The LFS guy asked me where I wanted the tank and I told him anywhere in the living room because I was going to take the tank outside in the morning so I could paint it, he said we would just put the tank there now, save me from having to move it in the morning, guess I will leave the dog out tonight. I will tell you one thing, I am glad I didn't get the 150g tank, this 125g is plenty big enough. It will most defiantly be the show piece in the living room.