Stocking a 20 gallon


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2008
Hey - so I just got a new 20 gallon tank - currently have in it 4 odessa barbs and one yellow lab cichlid. I'm wondering how much more I can stock the tank. I was hoping to get another cichlid - and maybe some tetras or something. Would that work and how many tetras do you think I could add after adding the new cichlid...


unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Hey, welcome few questions... How new is this tank and are you yourself new to fish keeping? Do you know about cycling and if so have you done this to your tank. Do you any other tanks running? For this tank I think the yellow lab will outgrow the tank a bit. I would get a few more odessas like maybe 2 more not because they are aggressive but because they will look better in a larger group. If you want another cichlid I would advise replacing the yellow lab, just because of space issues and bioload in your tank. Since each barb can get about 3" and the lab about 6", your inch/gallon rule almost already up.


Small Fish
Sep 21, 2008
Hey, yeah I've had two tanks in the past and am familiar with the general cycling/tank maintenance routine, never lost a fish! Would it be possible to get tetras instead of more barbs? Or would they get eaten by my cichlid or something?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I don't think they would get eaten, unless your lab is already huge.... The problem is that tetras should be in groups around 6 and you don't really have the space for that many. Have you considered a bottom dweller like cories? I think you could fit a few of those... They too like to be in groups but I think you can get away with a smaller group of them.

Dec 26, 2008
Bristlenose, and Zebra Plecos ( would be fine in the size tank, but they have quite a large Bio-load. Just a few Q's now: How often do you do water changes?; Do you vacuum the gravel; And it would be definitely good to over-filter, if you do not already.

Good Luck!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Unfortunately, you've already severely limited yourself with the yellow lab cichlid. Your tank is really completely stocked already if not overstocked. My suggestion would be to see if you can return the lab and get store credit for it. With a tank that size the typical stocking is a small school of smaller schooling fish, a centerpiece fish, and perhaps a snail or other bottom feeder. Try to keep in mind the inch per gallon rule. Consider the adult sizes of any fish you buy.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
IMO by my exsperience with cichlids and these other fish. Cichlids are really nice and beautiful. But I wouldnt mix a little this and that (that you like to hope its pretty) because afterwards its just a mess. I suggest you make a community tank, which can be barbs and tetras and angel fish. And save the lab for a bigger tank with more friends and you can save money for while to do so. Never go fast and cheap... go slow and make it worth it even more. Also Id get a 29g for community these tanks are pretty small for anything.

If you aren't willing to get rid of the lab or the odessa barbs try maybe this. Yallow Lab potentially 6 inches. Four odessa barbs 3 inches each. That is eightteen inches. You have twenty gallons of water. Since the Yellow lab is quite a peaceful cichlid compared to most cichlids in my opinion you can keep it. I'd get two more odessa barbs and call it quits only because they might be just as aggressive or more than the Yellow Lab. But if there are six, they will establish a bigger pecking order and be less aggressive. Or option two get a few cories. Yes, I know they do better in larger groups, but I think two would be good for your tank. These two options of course are only possible if you keep up with superb water changes and fantastic filtration. Don't throw tetras into the mix or get any other cichlids though. Or any other type of barbs. Just my two sense in it.

get a pleco, plecos are awsome.
Um, no. Don't get any more fish. Especially plecos. The small ones like bristlenoses and rubberlips get 6 inches and common ones get 12 inches! Way too big for a 20g with other fish in it. I would get rid of the yellow lab, unless you really like it. Just remember the one inch of fish per gallon of water guideline so you don't overstock.

Dec 26, 2008
I guess I did not make myself clear. I did not recommend the pleco but IMO Zebras and Bristlenoses are capable of living in a tank this size. Although with the current stock that is in the tank I do not think it would be appropriate. Sorry for the confusion.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I would ditch the lab and add more barbs/tetras with some bottom feeders like corys ... or I would ditch the barbs, keep the lab and add 1 maybe 2 more african cichlids of the same temperment that do not exceed 4-5 inches

I guess I did not make myself clear. I did not recommend the pleco but IMO Zebras and Bristlenoses are capable of living in a tank this size. Although with the current stock that is in the tank I do not think it would be appropriate. Sorry for the confusion.
If you were referring to me, I simply said that common plecos would NEVER fit in there and bristlenoses, rubberlips, etc. would only fit if the current stock was not in there. :)

You could put a small pleco in it, but then there wouldn't be much else you could do.


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
IMHO i would get rid of the yellow lab, get two more barbs and two cories for the bottom. depending on your filtration system and what its rated for, if well above the minimum requirements, i would add a third cory but wouldn't go much any more than that. Just my two cents.