King Betta?


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
And a hey to all those folks who remember me! I've been off and around, looking and stuff... Gave my 20 to my boyfriend's little brother, he's about 2 years old and loves to watch fish... Get 'em started early ;D

So I'm gonna get a new tank (prolly another 20 or a 29 bowfront)

I'm interested in these King bettas that petco is selling. Do they have the same temperment of a normal betta male? Or are they more like the females? (They kinna have the fin structure of a female...)

If they are still agressive... Hmmm I'm just interested in a little community with bettas.

Again I ask, King Betta? Anyone know anything about them? I've looked em up and not gotten much...


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
From what I have read, they are a species of betta called "chupang raja", which means "king betta" in Indonesian. They are not plakats, they are bigger than plakats but aren't giant bettas either. Some experts think it's a breed from the "crowntail betta". It's a relatively new breed. I don't know first hand, but several people have said they don't seem as aggressive.

Here are some links below:

Betta raja

FishGeeks :: Tropical fish - Marine Fish - Aquarium Fish - Pond Fish - Aquatic Plants


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
From what I have read, they are a species of betta called "chupang raja", which means "king betta" in Indonesian. They are not plakats, they are bigger than plakats but aren't giant bettas either. Some experts think it's a breed from the "crowntail betta". It's a relatively new breed. I don't know first hand, but several people have said they don't seem as aggressive.

Here are some links below:

Betta raja

FishGeeks :: Tropical fish - Marine Fish - Aquarium Fish - Pond Fish - Aquatic Plants

By the way, by not as agressive do you mean that I could put two together (I know sounds stupid but... You CAN put multiple Female Betta together...) or possibly even like 3 or so to let them build a higherarchy?


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
I have never had them myself, but below is a quote from the "Betta Raja link" I provided above:

Betta raja can be housed in pairs, species tanks, and community tanks. Pairs can be housed in a 10 gallon tank, groups should be housed in a 30 gallon tank or larger. Pairs should be given cover such as caves and plants. In a pair or species situation it is possible that fry could be discovered in the tanks. For best results remove a brooding male.

Good luck


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
female bettas should be grouped in odd numbers, that's something i've heard once before; and yes they should form a hierarchy. I actually think 3 or more is fine, the odd number rule is 'fishy' if you ask me :D


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
female bettas should be grouped in odd numbers, that's something i've heard once before; and yes they should form a hierarchy. I actually think 3 or more is fine, the odd number rule is 'fishy' if you ask me :D
You just like the idea of a group of three or more females . . . *celebrate

Jun 21, 2008
The link that TMony posted above refers to males and females, and says that they can be kept in pairs or groups, although it doesn't refer to what the gender mix should be. Bob, aren't plakats just a type of betta? so even if these are just big plakats, that doesn't really mean anything. Although it looks like plakats are some of the more aggressive bettas, so if these are less aggressive, maybe they're not the same thing. All the research I could find was inconclusive. Anyone know for sure? I was also interested in having a betta in my community tank and decided not to risk it, so it would be cool if these would work in there.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
You just like the idea of a group of three or more females . . . *celebrate
haha who wouldnt!

in referral to 'designsonyou' question about wanted to add a betta to your community tank. I think a betta would do fine in almost all community tanks barring that none of your community fish are fin-nippers. Bettas are generally slow and peaceful towards other species, so it would make sense not to put it with something like oh.... i dunno, a school of tiger barbs? anything fast and fin-nippy would pwn a betta *thumbsups

Jun 21, 2008
Yeah. I know that they should be fine, but have heard stories about it going both ways, and that sometimes they confuse other long finned fish for bettas and attack them. I have an angel and some danios with kind of long flowy fins and didn't want to risk it. I've also heard that danios can fin nip, although mine don't seem to. I just decided it was too stressful to deal with. Thanks for the heads up though. I'm still kind of interesting in these king bettas, and at some point I may throw in a regular one and just re-house it if it doesn't go well.


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
My female betta loves the 30 :p no problems with the angels.

I'm just interested in the kings because there are some pretty ones... They don't LOOK like normal male bettas, they have the short fins like females and they don't have the big pretty OMG LOOK COLOR of a normal betta male. That's why I'm interested...


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah. I know that they should be fine, but have heard stories about it going both ways, and that sometimes they confuse other long finned fish for bettas and attack them. I have an angel and some danios with kind of long flowy fins and didn't want to risk it. I've also heard that danios can fin nip, although mine don't seem to. I just decided it was too stressful to deal with. Thanks for the heads up though. I'm still kind of interesting in these king bettas, and at some point I may throw in a regular one and just re-house it if it doesn't go well.
you're right about the angels and other fancy tailed fish. I definitely would keep a betta away from anything that resembles it, and anything with fancy tails. The same applies for aggressive finnippers like tiger barbs; you do not want to mix fish of those nature with angels/fancy tailed fish *thumbsups *thumbsups