need answers

Jan 22, 2009
I have a 20 gallon planted tank with 1 guppie, two honey sunset gouramies,and 3 cory cats. Ive only had the cory cats for a day and already one was attacked and missing his tail. He died of course. But i just was wondering if anyone knew if my gouramis are aggressive. and if i should have two males, or do I need a female to stop the aggresion.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Generally gouramis should not be kept together in any tank, let alone a 20 gallon tank, it is just too small. Fish like that need their own territories so I wouldn't be surprised if they soon start attacking eachother.

How long has this tank been set up? You should definitely take a look at the link in my signature, it has some good set up tank instructions on cycling and stocking. Your tankmates are not compatible. The guppy will probably also soon start getting picked to death by the gouramis. Do NOT add anymore fish, that will not solve your problems.

Jan 13, 2009
Elberta, Al
I would never have known gouramis were aggressive before this. My Dad has a 30 gallon tank with like six and they all get along and have been that way for over six years. In no way am I saying that gouramis aren't aggressive. I am just saying I was oblivious before I just looked into it now.
I think the point is having all males. Not sure though just maybe I got a different perspective when I read above. Male and female = okay, two males = bad mojo.

With your dad having 6 I would GUESS that he had at least one female if not two, or maybe a group of that size there were enough others to pick on that the aggression was "spread" out so no one recieved too much damage.

I'm just pulling at straws here but that would be my guess.