i have a 1.5 inch green spotted puffer in a 90 gallon, with 2 large oscars both about 9 inches, a pink convicts thats full grown, a black convict thats a ince, a 4 inch red tail shark, snakeskin gourami that being eatin slowly by the shark lol, a jack dempsey, a huge ass cray fish, and a medium sized pleco.
i had some apple snails but they might be gone.
i keep guppies in the tank at all time so if the oscar get hungry they have some thin to chase, and i keep some bloodworms surviving in the gravel of the tank.
the gsp is fearless and funny, the tank is set up real nice moving it to brackish water over time as the gsp grows cause from what iv'e read when they're first born the need fresher water.
but sometimes thing fight and get aggressive, the puffer pretty much is the goofy guy on the couch that flutters ROUND IT AND SMILES AT YOU. sry cap
but it works for my, i keep a taank for snail that one gallon with a place to keep blood worms. i also have another 12 gallon tank for more snails, but i put a kennyi cichlid in it till i find a new tank.
that fish definatly was a mistake i my part, its a demon to convicts, oscars, and even the jack dempsey