I also received a group of five breeding-sized Australoheros red ceibals, which until a couple weeks ago I'd never even heard of. They're a relatively new/unknown species to the hobby from my understanding. I became aware of them through a member's post on another site with pictures of his breeding pair...they're absolutely STUNNING when in breeding dress. I decided I HAD to have some eventually, and prepared myself for a long and tedious, and expensive! search for them. But a "friend" from a few local sites happened to be on this one as well, saw my post, and told me he had a bunch of them if I wanted some. So just a couple weeks later, I have a group of them! Here they are adjusting to their new tank.
A glimpse of what's to come when they start breeding (appearance)
And this is what they'll look like when in breeding dress - the thread that made me obsessed
A glimpse of what's to come when they start breeding (appearance)
And this is what they'll look like when in breeding dress - the thread that made me obsessed