Simple questions re: air stones.....


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Air stones aren't really needed and don't serve as a filtration device. Make sure any tank you have an air stone in actually has a real filter with it. Also make sure any tank that has fish in it is also biologically cycled with good bacteria, not just filtered. :)

By the way, both of your tanks are pretty well stocked, I wouldn't add anything else.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
They aren't essential, but they can serve a purpose other than just appearance. They can help with circulation and prevent dead spots in the tank.

Dec 26, 2008
This depends on some things:

1. The shape of your tank -- Hex tanks, and other tanks that are high have less surface area, thus there is less oxygen in the water. So if your tank has one of these odder shapes it may be a wise decision to purchase an air stone.

2. The amount of water agitation. The more water agitation more oxygen in your water. So if your filter creates minimal water agitation, it also might be a good idea to purchase one.

Replacing them -- They last quite a while when you see a significant decrease in bubbles it my be a good idea to replace them.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
yeah but, air stones create very little water agitation o_0 imo.
Really depends on the stone and pump you use. You can get stones that produce almost any size of bubble, from a fine mist to as large as the size of a quarter. I use a large stones "a little bigger than a golf ball" in my pond and they actually agitates the water enough to keep an opening in the ice throughout the winter. This is from a depth of 2 1/2 feet.