Gymnogeophagus "sp. Yi"

Got a beautiful group of 10 of these gorgeous Geos from Ken Davis (FishFarmUSA). I initially got a group of 4 as a Valentine's gift to my hubby and he liked them so much I ordered 6 more. We're both loving them. The photos are of the current dominant male who's quite photogenic, as are several others but the dom male has the best color so far. The subdom has some nice color too but won't show it off in from of the dominant male who's always right behind him.
This guy can get really fired up and put on some really showy colors but he always settles down before I get a chance to get some pics.

Thanks to Ken for his awesome fish!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Gah! That's terrible!
I wasn't planning a buy that soon but I sure hope he's ok!
He said he got 7" and lost power most of yesterday. Temps in the hatchery got down in the 50s but he said the water stayed in the 70s thankfully.

I'd love to have some geos, just no tankspace for them right now lol. Them in a nice sandy/semi planted tank would be awesome.

Good to hear about Ken. Hope it stays managable!

I'd love to have some geos, just no tankspace for them right now lol. Them in a nice sandy/semi planted tank would be awesome.
Pretty much what I had in mind. lol

Now that I'm switching them to the 80 I'll be able to add some more wood and the 80 will have power filters so I won't have to look at those hideous sponges. :rolleyes:

Awww, Geos are my favorite! I can't wait to see more pics of these guys. Nice tank too! I have black sand in mine but I really love the contrast of the white sand in yours.
I have black sand in my bichir tank. I love it. I thought it would make the bichirs go all muddy but it didn't, they actually look really good over it.
With the SA Tank, I want to keep it looking more natural. :cool:

Those sponges look great in bare discus tanks! :D's too bad I hate discus! *laughingc