Female bettas with guppies?

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
After looking at all the pretty colors of bettas, I decided I need more than two. I only have space for 2 males in my 10g (cycling) and may want to try breeding bettas. I was thinking of putting three females in my community tank (once I get the diseases taken care of) but have 3 male guppies. I read that bettas don't get along with guppies, but wasn't sure if that was just the males or both genders.
Also, do male bettas get along with ghost shrimp and ADFs?

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
Is your 10g divided to prevent the two males from fighting? As for female bettas mine got along well with guppies, angels, tetras, gouramis, ghost shrimp, etc.
Forgot to mention the divider. It's plastic with lots of little holes (I've made some bigger for better water circulation, but not big enough for the bettas to get through. They're just big enough for month-old platy fry I had in that tank for a while before realizing it needed to be cycled) I also tried to put my plants and rocks in the center so the bettas aren't constantly staring at each other and stressing out. I added some more guppies to the community tank to balance the ratio of females and males, so I'll probably only end up with one female betta.

Sep 10, 2004
Visit site
I have had two female betta's and both are very agressive. Neither one like any other fish so both were in their own two gallon bowl. I have never combined two male betta fish and don't plan to ever have two together in the same tank or bowl. Good luck.

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
The bettas will be constantly stressed...running into the "territory invader" aka a male betta.

They may even fight through the divider by banging themselves into it.
I've seen other people on this site with a divided tank and bettas.
What about all the tiny cups right next to each other in stores? Those bettas don't seem to notice each other. Could it just be their personalities?

If having two bettas in the same tank is a problem, I could take out the divider and have a single betta with a small school (3) of rasboras. My LFS has cool see-through ones that supposedly stay under an inch (of course, this is the store that told me I needed 2 common plecos) Otherwise, I've tried to make the center of the tank heavily planted.