sad to go to walmart


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
i wouldn't even give them a second look. no sense in bringing that problem into your tank. i don't think they would give you a discount but you can ask, but still i wouldn't even try it. if they have ick, who knows what else them might bring along with them to your tank. NOT worth the risk. if you had a QT tank then maybe, but going into your tank with other fish, no.


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
I'm inclined to say no to buying fish with ich or any other disease for that matter. You're putting your entire tank at risk. They would have to give those fish away before I might consider taking it home. And I don't have a quarantine tank so it's not at all worth it to me.
Plus, even if they do give you a "nice price" you're still going to have to buy meds and stuff to nurse it back to health, so in reality, how much is that fish costing you?
I know it's hard to resist saving fish in a bad situation, but buying someone's diseased fish isn't going to encourage them to keep their fish healthy in the future. Instead of trying to cut a deal, how about you tell the employee that you would buy his fish if only they weren't sick. And if they don't care about getting their fish healthy and keeping them that way, then just stay away from there.

Mar 3, 2009
Walmart should not sell fish

*PEACE!*I always feel sorry for the fish at my walmart...the only ones that ever look good are the glo fish but i think it's because they go quick...$4 there as compared to $6 or $7 everywhere else around here...I have seperated betta from the same cups and all kinds of things at wal mart...i've only seen one store that had a good fish department and the guy that stocked pet foods loved fish and cared for them..*GOLDFISH*


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
One walmart isnt going to give you a discount lol, god for bid they wont even know what the heck your talking about. Another thing is you could buy it and treat it if its nice (unless you got others like it at stores around you then forget it). I personally buy it and treat it by itself until its fully gone!

I worked at a Wal_Mart back in 2001 and things were very different then. We sold all kinds of exotic fish and kept much better care of the tanks back then. I even sold an Alligator Gar one day and some really unique Eels. Today I won't even go look at the fish there, because it's just sad how they keep them now. I feel they are better off just stocking some equipment and food and leaving the fish to a LFS that'll do a better job and actually keeping them.

Some business is just not worth trying to make if your'e not going to do it correctly


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
Like I say about a lot of things in the world. People are working to make money not to care about what they are doing. Nurses and RN and LPN at nursing homes around here are a joke, they work but they dont care and these places are nasty.