Need a Gurus suggestion on what to stock my 10 gal. with?? (have link to pic's)

Jan 8, 2009
New Hampshire
My 10 gallon tank is in its cycle period and I can't wait to stock it!

But first, I want to be careful to what it is I'll stock it with... do to what's inside the tank, etc. So, judging by my pic's (found @ links below) and list below, I'm hoping to get some solid setup suggestions. I'll try not to state the obvious.

Things to consider:
1) I'd like to keep the waters temp between (78-80ish)
2) I have 2 stones in the tank, but I'm not sure of what they are (& what fish are OK w/ them &.or not)???
3) 3 fake plants (& will stock more if needed ??? & but state why please)
4) I'll be providing an air stone later (before stocked)
5) It has a small power head (right hand corner)

If I've left anything out, please let more know.

Thanks a Bunch & I can't wait for the feedback!

Links for pictures:


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The rocks look to be Tuffa, they can disolve (slowly) raising the pH and hardness of the water. Normally one only uses them in hardwater (like RLA cichlid tanks for example), brackish or marine tanks. All of which may not be your best bet. There are others that could work, but I'm having a tough time thinking of any right now ;).

If you want more fake plants, go for it. Or just watch whatever fish you end up going with, if they seem skittish, put some more in for cover. It seems a bet backwards but the more cover some fish have the more the come out. Other than that, looks good! Just don't forget to cycle ;).


Jan 8, 2009
New Hampshire
So the rocks appear to be Tufa rock. Not really suitable for basic freshwater fish.
Is there something that can be added to the tank to offset the PH balance? Like perhaps a type of wood, etc.?
I have noticed that in my 1.5 Gal., the PH (6.2) is very low. I'm wondering if this low PH is the case for most small tanks and that maybe the Tufa rock still might be of some use in my 10 gal.(still a small tank).
If I do keep the Tufa rock, is there some kind of Dwarf Cichlid and / or a small fish that would do well with a high PH?

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I haven't done great in the past with this size.

I am going to suggest a betta fish aka siamese fighting fish (for its beauty and personality) and an african dwarf frog for the same reasons.

Planning the stock is the most fun part of the process I think. Check out some of the fish profiled right here on MFT. Very informative and it will help you see what your options are.

Good luck! Have fun!