Im getting a dojo loach and i have some questions

Apr 6, 2009
i have a 25 gallon tank and a very communal tank with some tetras and guppies and a black red tailed shark that is very social with all the fish (now that the puffer fish is gone lol) i want to get a loach and i was wondering if it would eat the flaked food i give the other fish. i read that they will eat almost anything and i read that they can eat flake food and even algae, but i didnt read that on nearly as many sites that said it will only eat live foods. im just want to make sure i have everything that will make this fish happy before i get it. please let me know if you have information about this fish.
oh and i heard they love to be petted... is that true??
thank you very much!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I them for a while, and they would eat flake, shrimp pellets, frozen foods, but not algae. They're extremely fast fish, and I can't imagine having them come close enough to pet. Mine occasionally would brush past my hand when I was cleaning the tank. They are extremely peaceful fish, and won't bother other fish.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
would i have to get both at the same time? because i am only allowed to get one right now. could i get the other one like later on or what?
i wonder if the redtailshark would bother dojo loaches. I had a clown loach with a redtail shark before I got another tank and the shark never chased it. Of course it chased my tiger barbs though.

you can def get 1 now, 1 more later

edit: i would note the kind of subtrate in your tank, and if it is not sand, I would recommend a fine subtrate (not gravel) for dojo loaches.

"They have poor eyesight, and use the barbels to find food. If the barbels become damaged there is a high risk of starvation of this fish. For this reason a soft substrate, such as fine sand or soft edged rounded pebbles, should be provided as they are notorious diggers/burrowers. I also do not recommend having this fish in a tank with plants that require burried root systems, as they will dig them up all the time. They will be much better matched with plants that like free roots, such as Java fern, or other rhizome plants. "

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Apr 6, 2009
yeah i have a rounded gravel but they are all really tiny pieces of gravel and i was planning to add some sand to it to help it more. :)

i dont think the red tailed shark will be a problem he has been very friendly with all the other fish and swims peacefully with tetras and guppies.
but ill have to wait and see i guess.

**btw, something that i thought was really cool. awhile back i had a pufferfish in there and i posted about it and everything cuz i took all these precautions to try to make it friendly which didnt work i had to return it but it took a bite out of my black red tailed sharks tail, and i thought he would have that bite forever, but its completely healed!
i didnt know his tail could heal i was so happy!

lol sorry that was random just wanted to share something.