Hole in the head


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
typically Hole in the head is caused by poor water conditions, usually correcting those will allow the hole in the head to go away, not sure if it ever truly cured though, petsmart does sell medication for hole in the head but I dont know how useful it is.

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Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
A very knowledgeable LFS owner told me that using carbon 100% of the time and changing it often can cause hole-in-the-head and fin-rot. This guy breeds different types of tropicals and seems very credible. Also, there are many who never use carbon and maintain good water conditions.

About two months ago I quit using carbon full-time and now just use it to get rid of small cases of tank odor (due to the food I use). My tanks have never been more clear.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
ive read a lot of posts of people not using carbon 100% of time only when needed for particulars, like tank oder.The last WC and vacuume i did i only rinsed the carbon filter in water i changing out.
now i remeber reading that the carbon filter only remains effective for a short time.
was curious what others thought ?
sorry about the hijack


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
carbon does only stay effective a short amount of time but the actual length I do not recall, I have read a short as 24hrs but that could be wrong. I do use it all the time in my smaller tank since the filter inserts I buy are prefilled and the are extremely cheap and easy. But I personally find it doubtful that using carbon would cause HTH but I am willing to be wrong.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
carbon does only stay effective a short amount of time but the actual length I do not recall, I have read a short as 24hrs but that could be wrong. I do use it all the time in my smaller tank since the filter inserts I buy are prefilled and the are extremely cheap and easy. But I personally find it doubtful that using carbon would cause HTH but I am willing to be wrong.
hey brian
i rinsed it and didnt swap out because i knew there was bacteria on the media itself.i just brushed of goop with toothbrush.im all in favor of spending less money ! LOL

i bought the fill it yourself carbon filters to save money


Medium Fish
Mar 10, 2008
yeah...well anyway, the oscar had the affliction when I got him- rescued from some idiot who dumped him at petco- seemed to get better when I fed him High-dollar japanese cichlid food, but it almost looks worse now. My 1st instinct was to do a h20 change, which I did (30%)-it's my wife's tank, so I am trying to guide her gently- 8 mo pregnant wives do not like you telling them what to do so I GENTLY suggested a water change...we'll see...


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
well i kinda figured it was there when you got it, hopefully you can save it but honestly if it is a bad case it may not recover unless you can and are willing to find a fish vet and even then it is iffy. If not just keep an eye on the water params..keep the nitrates as low as possible. And maybe try the med you can pick up at petsmart.. not sure what it is called but I believe it is made by API.


Medium Fish
Mar 10, 2008
Yeah, it never seems to get that bad, just sort of always present. Just feel bad for the animal, that's all, and if there's a way to rid him of it I would like to do it. Thanks for the advice.