Refilled my tank.. got 4 little fisheys


Small Fish
Apr 30, 2009
Ahh looks like it comes out to about 25 Gallons, it was one of those odd ones I got off a friend years ago, I've got the Penguin 160 filter running for it. I've actually got a 60 gallon somewhere but right now I don't have the funds to invest into getting that running :(


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It doesn't look like you're listening icey, your tank is too small for the loaches, you need to return them. You also should NOT add any more fish until your tank is FULLY cycled, otherwise you'll just be killing them off. Do NOT mess with your PH. Was the first picture of a fish in your tank or not? If you do have an angel fish in there, you need to return that too as your tank is too small.

As a word of caution, fish store employees give notoriously bad advice, I wouldn't listen to them, they'll just try to sell you more fish and products.


Small Fish
Apr 30, 2009
It doesn't look like you're listening icey, your tank is too small for the loaches, you need to return them. You also should NOT add any more fish until your tank is FULLY cycled, otherwise you'll just be killing them off. Do NOT mess with your PH. Was the first picture of a fish in your tank or not? If you do have an angel fish in there, you need to return that too as your tank is too small.

As a word of caution, fish store employees give notoriously bad advice, I wouldn't listen to them, they'll just try to sell you more fish and products.

They are not angelfish, they are Black Skirt Tetras. The pictures on imageshack are all of mine, the first two links in my 2nd post are just off the net. Will they become too large? I was wondering what fish then are good sized for my size tank? It seems like not many breeds will be a good fit, and that's all I'm really looking for is a tank I can fill with no more than 6 or so fish plus maybe an algae eater after theirs a nice enough buildup. I've managed to have an Oscar and pleco both live for close to two years in this tank, as well as have had success with 2 Jack Demspeys for a very long time years ago. I just figured going with these smaller fish would be easier come cleaning and managing.

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Small Fish
May 2, 2009
i think they look like white skirt tetra's and the orange and black are clown loaches....i dont know a lot about clown loaches but i think they can grow pretty big like 10-12inches.


Small Fish
May 2, 2009
looks like i took to long to write lol...but i agree you should return them and cycle your tank....the loaches wont get through the cycle and if they could its just cruel and would cause unnessacary stress. then while your tank is cycling you can research all the fish you would lyk and see whats compatible etc.


Small Fish
Apr 30, 2009
Well fortunately the store is very accepting and considerate when doing returns, they'll actually give some credit towards picking out others. They said these fish would be good for cycling, if you don't agree than what would you think would be good ones?


Small Fish
May 2, 2009
mmm well id say you should try and do a fishless it...i no it sounds boring and if you hafta hav fish in it the tetra's are hardy enough..but i really dont think the clown loaches will survive it.... just aswell as it putting the fish through stress it can damage ther gills and make them so much more suseptable to disease.they seem nice but a sales persons job is to sale...i was told to put a female betta with my male when i went to get betta pellets after a few weeks of having him(i gave him flakes b4) or else if he didnt mate he would get lonely and die premature lol.....if you like the tetras you could add more after the cycle because they like a group of six and up...if you keep your water changes up im sure the tetra will be ok. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
If you can return the fish I would return the loaches immediately. If you are committed to doing a fish-in cycle, you can do it with the black skirts, they will be fine in your tank. The loaches wouldn't make it and it would be cruel to keep them knowing that, get the store credit for when your tank is ready for new fish. Make sure you read up on fish-in cycling and exactly what is required, i.e. doing water changes and such on a regular basis until the nitrifying bacteria builds up.

Basically, the black skirts will be fine for cycling and look very nice in your tank, the loaches need to be returned.


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
You said you wanted 6 or so fish and a bottom feeder. I'm hoping you followed miss fishy's advise and took back the loaches. AFTER your tank is cycled I'd finish out the school of tetras as most people have already said. As for the bottom feeder, dwarf plecos are very easy to keep. Be careful common plecos get 2' (not for a 25g) also corys would be a great choice but they like to be in schools. So just throwin it out there for the bottom feeder I'd get a dwarf pleco(anything 5'' and under max size) or an oto.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
They are not angelfish, they are Black Skirt Tetras. The pictures on imageshack are all of mine, the first two links in my 2nd post are just off the net. Will they become too large? I was wondering what fish then are good sized for my size tank? It seems like not many breeds will be a good fit, and that's all I'm really looking for is a tank I can fill with no more than 6 or so fish plus maybe an algae eater after theirs a nice enough buildup. I've managed to have an Oscar and pleco both live for close to two years in this tank, as well as have had success with 2 Jack Demspeys for a very long time years ago. I just figured going with these smaller fish would be easier come cleaning and managing.
oscars and jack dempseys are not meant for tanks smaller than 50G if alone, 100G if you have > 1. I think you said somewhere you managed to keep them alive for 2 years in your 25G, well they only lived for 2 years because you stuffed them in a 25G *crazysmil

Glad you can return the clown loaches, they get very very big. about a foot, but they are quite girthy like a giant sausage.

If you want 6 fish or so I would recommend a school of zebra danios, about 5-6 and some corys or ottos as your bottom feeders. you could substitute a school of ottos/corys for a dwarf pleco, that would look nice too.


Small Fish
Apr 30, 2009
Thanks for the tips, I've been extremely busy lately and haven't been able to return the loaches yet. I've done several partial water changes however and all the fish seem to be great as well as the readings on the water from whenever I've tested. I've made the mistake with the pleco's before and will be sure not to do it again. I've been offered a 75 gallon tank, it's just a matter of making room for it downstairs as well as getting some $$ together for a filter (not sure the prices, have had mine in the 25 for ages and still works great.)

Approximately how quickly do the loaches grow? I'd love to keep them but depending on if I get this 2nd tank setup soon or not and if it'd be too much tank for 2 little fish? Is that possible?

Our local store here had a great selection on neon tetras, red wag swordtails, red platys, and cuvier bichirs (so ugly but cool). I've never had luck with platys, and the neon's just seem way too little I just worry that little fish are more difficult to keep alive for some reason?

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