Setting up 55 g tank

May 3, 2009
Hi all,
I'm new to the aquarium hobby but I've been doing a lot of reading here and I've started to buy what I need. I still have a few lingering questions which I hope aren't too newbie to ask.
1.) I want to do fish-less cycling and I've been trying to buy ammonia to do that. However most household ammonia seems to have addons (at least at the Wal-Mart I went to). What should I be looking for exactly?
2.) As a follow up, how much ammonia should I be adding into the tank to get 5ppm?
3.) I'm looking into plants and I was wondering if Eco-Complete substrate is a good way to go for that
4.) I guess I have two 24 inch light fixtures which came with 1 15 watt bulb for each. If I buy 2 50 watts and 2 30 watts would that be enough?
5.) As far as cleaning goes, I understand water changes but whats the deal with the substrate?
Thanks for your time and for your help.

Jun 21, 2008
Welcome to the tank texas. (Your username will probably be abbreviated in posts, just so that you know, and I'm just picking the best part.) Ha. I'll see what I can help with.
1. You're right, you want ammonia that's just pure 100% ammonia, with no surfectants (sp?). Some I think have found it at Ace Hardware. If I recall, when you shake it is shouldn't foam if it's the right stuff.
2. Not sure, you basically just start with some ammount and keep testing until it gets to where you want it. Maybe a capful?
3. I just bought some eco-complete for my tank. I haven't put it in yet, but from what I've read it seems to be as good as anything, and one of the better ones if you're willing to spend a bit of money. I found the best deal by far at Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate | Pet Solutions, and their shipping is the best for the poundage, if it hasn't changed. I got 3 bags for my 55 gallon. Like I said, I haven't put it in yet, so not sure about the depth, but I figure that's a good ballpark.
4. Lighting I'm going to stay away from cause I really don't know much about it. But that would give you 2.9 wpg, which should be good for growing most things. However, color temperature, etc. are also important, and there's a ton of different kinds of fixtures, so I'll let someone more knowledgeable answer this one. I found a good deal on ebay for mine, just somewhere to check out.
5. Basically, with the substrate you can just sort of skim the top with the gravel vac during the water changes. You can dig in a bit if it's not planted, but if it is, which I'm assuming you're going to do, I think you just pick up dead leaves, etc. and sort of wave the vacuum over the top of the substrate so as not to disturb the roots. I'm prepared to be corrected/elaborated on this one, since my tank isn't planted yet. Hope this helps.

May 3, 2009
Thanks for the information.
The only thing I seem to still be confused about is lighting. Can someone suggest a good fixture? The one I have only supports up to 40 watts(or so it says). I haven't seen one that would get me into the 125-200 range. Thanks.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
4. As a beginner I don't know if you want to get into the 200 watts range. I really like this fixture Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Aqualight Single Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights which on a 55 gallon (48" long) would give you 130 watts which is like 2.6wpg? That should be good enough for what ever you want. I suggest compact fluorescent because they last longer and give a higher wattage for less bulbs. Also this fixture is about a dollar per watt and it comes with a 6700K bulb which is what you want for freshwater plants. The one I got came with a saltwater bulb and then I had to go out a spend money on another bulb.

1. On the rest of the stuff... ammonia= ace hardware is where I got mine... look at other hardware stores for like janitorial strength ammonia which doesnt bother with additives.
2. When adding it, just add is slowly, maybe one cap to start and then after an hour or so with the filter on, test your water (buy this Aquarium Water Testing: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Freshwater Master Test Kit ) for ammonia and see where you stand. If you are near 4 I'd leave it and then test again over the next few days.
3. Eco-complete looks really good and is pretty much one of the better substrates for plants. I have flourite and it is similar which I have success with.
5. If you do get the eco-complete you just want to skim off the poop that settles on top if it is unsightly. You dont want to clean the gravel by sucking it up because you dont want to get rid of all that good stuff in it. You only do this with gravel substrate cause its just rocks.

Alrighty! I can't help you with the ammonia because I've never done it that way, however, I can give you advice on lighting. :)

I'm also currently converting my 55g to a planted tank. Here's a list of everything you'll need:

All I'm missing is a drop checker that I may get at a local fish-meeting thing for $7 and get it filled free. Here's my updated list with links and prices (including shipping when applicable); everything in that list is what will be in and around my tank after the summer. If the link is in parentheses, then I bought the product elsewhere.

55g Tank - $97.46 - From a Petco store (tank on stand: Aquatic Fundamentals 55 Gallon Upright Aquarium Stand at PETCO)

Stand - $111.98 - Aquatic Fundamentals 55 Gallon Upright Aquarium Stand at PETCO

Penguin 350 Filter - $52.84 - Penguin 350B Power Filter Up to 75 gallon tank

2 x 24 in. Glass Covers - $33.48 - Aquarium Hoods & Canopies: All-Glass Versa-Tops

4 x 65w Light - $171.49 - Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights

Light Legs - $13.50 - From Pets Inc. (Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Aqualight Accessories)

75 lbs. of Onyx Sand - $150 - From Pets Inc. (Seachem Onyx Sand 7 Kg at Big Al's Online)

10 lb. CO2 Tank - $83.18 - Aluminum Co2 Cylinders

Aquatek Regulator + 8 ft. of tubing + check valve - $76.98 - Ebay (Aquatek regulator image by Aquazilla on Photobucket)

Rhinox 5000 Diffuser - $10 - Used, from a friend (

Fertilizers - $26 - Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - Main, Main, Dry Fertilizers, Dry Fertilizers,

Total - $826.91

The total looks a little scary, but it's as cheap as you can get basically. This would set you up to have all the plants you want. 4.7 wpg, CO2, and substrate.

If you read through the thread where I originally posted this, you'll see why I chose onyx sand instead. Although it's a little lighter in color, it's a lot finer (more sand-like) than eco-complete. But if you go with eco-complete, that's fine too. If you need any more help, feel free to pm me and I'll get you any additional links that would be helpful (substrate calculator, stuff like that.)

They were 40% off when I bought them. :) $161.99 plus shipping. DrsFandS have some pretty sweet deals sometimes. You just have to wait for them...

EDIT: And it's one entire light fixture (the 48 in. one.) It actually has four bulbs in it, not two like in that pic. I have a pic of mine floating around here somewhere.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Hi all,
I'm new to the aquarium hobby but I've been doing a lot of reading here and I've started to buy what I need. I still have a few lingering questions which I hope aren't too newbie to ask.
1.) I want to do fish-less cycling and I've been trying to buy ammonia to do that. However most household ammonia seems to have addons (at least at the Wal-Mart I went to). What should I be looking for exactly?
2.) As a follow up, how much ammonia should I be adding into the tank to get 5ppm?
3.) I'm looking into plants and I was wondering if Eco-Complete substrate is a good way to go for that
4.) I guess I have two 24 inch light fixtures which came with 1 15 watt bulb for each. If I buy 2 50 watts and 2 30 watts would that be enough?
5.) As far as cleaning goes, I understand water changes but whats the deal with the substrate?
Thanks for your time and for your help.
Well as you can see you have come to the right spot !
its amazing how much you learn from other peoples posts HERE !
i fell upon this site.
and i love it !!
good luck !

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
They were 40% off when I bought them. :) $161.99 plus shipping. DrsFandS have some pretty sweet deals sometimes. You just have to wait for them...

EDIT: And it's one entire light fixture (the 48 in. one.) It actually has four bulbs in it, not two like in that pic. I have a pic of mine floating around here somewhere.
thats awesome


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
May 3, 2009

Got most things ready and will begin to cycle soon. I've also been trying to think about what kind of fish I want which has been a challenge after a good bit of research.
I'm set on having one black ghost knife fish and a bristle nose catfish but the former seems to narrow down my other options. I've read that clown loaches are a good fit, but they are not newbie friendly. I think giant danios could work and if so how many should I get? Would one South American puffer be a terrible idea? I've heard its very peaceful. Would there be any cichlids that could work?
Please let me know if you have any would be very welcome. Thanks.