Bottom feeder?


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Hi I was wondering about a bottom feeder for a ten gallon tank.
I used to have an otto sinkless and died. (This was quite a while ago, by the way) Got another, died.
Is there a fairly hardy bottom feeder that grows, say, 1-2 inches that is quite common in pet shops?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
You just lost a cardinal tetra and seemed quite panicked about it. It's unwise to add fish to a tank that just had an unexplained loss. Why not work on the problem before adding more fish.

Also, you're better off learning what killed your two otocinclus catfish. They need good water conditions and a source of food to survive. When they have eaten most of the algae in your tank you need to feed them algae wafers. If you did that, then it was probably high nitrates or other water quality issues.


Small Fish
May 21, 2009
i wanted to suggest a pleco but they grow big.. you can try corydoras also known as cory cats...they are a hardy kind of fish and common in petshops. you might want to check this minicourse too in order to get a full guide to tank keeping.*twirlysmi

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
I used to have an otto sinkless and died. (This was quite a while ago, by the way) Got another, died.
If you mean Otocinclus, they should be kept in groups to be happy and need VERY clean water. They are most ideal in a heavily planted aquarium. They usually will not survive a tank that is still cycling.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Yes I did mean otocinclus (googled it)- it's just the dude was recommending the fish to me and told me the names- I didn't read them (sorry) Well he said they where great little cleaners and it was one per ten gallons. My tank isn't planted- used to be and got slightly outta control so I got rid of a lot of the plants- then all of them died.
What's in my tank is 1 harlequin rasbora, 1 cardinal tetra, and 2 neon tetras- I offered the harlequin and the cardinal to my friend and she's thinking about it, I'll be replacing them with 3 more neons hopefully. I also hope to get a small cichlid (see my 2 threads, "Anything to go with tetras" in the freshwater beginners section, and "which cichlid is best" in the cichlid section.)
I will definitely check out corydoras catfishes.. What do you feed them?

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
someone correct me if im wrong but that cichlid will eat everything in your tank. cichlids are very territorial and dont mix with many fish. they are also very aggressive as to where the rest of your tank is pretty passive.

i would recommend you getting a pleco. you can get a rubber lip pleco or clown pleco and they only get 3" there are also some other plecos that you can get that dont get any bigger than 3-4"


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I'll just state the obvious here...if it died from "just eating the algae", it probably starved to death, few tanks have enough algae to sustain an algae eater, you usually have to supplement their food with algae wafers. Unless you have an algae problem or really really like them, I wouldn't bother getting one.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
I'll just state the obvious here...if it died from "just eating the algae", it probably starved to death, few tanks have enough algae to sustain an algae eater, you usually have to supplement their food with algae wafers. Unless you have an algae problem or really really like them, I wouldn't bother getting one.
yes i forgot to address that. i feed all my fish once a day and they stay happy and healthy. they get a little pinch of flake food, some shrimp pellets, and algae wafers

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Well obviously I wasn't going to add one today (no offense). I guess it was probably because I wasn't feeding them anything- they just lived off of algae in the tank.
this is why i replied that about feeding them. pretty much all the fish in my tank will bottom feed and love algae so i was just adding in about feeding them more than just letting the bottom feeder feed off of just the algae in the tank. if your tank has a crazy amount of algae in it then the bottom feeder would have good food for awhile and you wouldnt really need to feed them anything else but if you have a pretty clean tank they need more than what is in the tank.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Well I think my algae is OK, it's not much of a chore to scrape it away.
I think I'll go for 3 pygmy cories. They max out at one inch. I'm not going for the cichlids anymore. I'll figure something out, but I'm quite sure I'll go for 3 pygmy cories.