my red bellys had a big fight help

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Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
i woke up this morning to find my red belly pirahnas had a big fight during the night one ha come off reallly bad but he still alive the top of his head just behind his gill is missin and he has lost a eye wat can i do to help him plsplsplsplsplsplsplspls help me any one i can post pics



Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Wow, not much you can do there buddy. My only suggestions would be to separate him from the others, piranhas will turn on an injured one. You could add some melafix to prevent infection and keep the water pristine clear and cycled. It doesn't look good though.

You really need to get to the bottom of why they did that though, it may be time to separate them. Piranha are really advanced fish keeper fish and shouldn't be kept by those with little experience.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
I always question the motives of people who keep aggressive and potentially dangerous animals as pets. Like morons who keep pit bulls in small apartments and then wonder why their dog turned on them or a neighbor and had to be put down.

Piranha need to be in large schools and in big tanks that can support large schools and cared for by an experienced person who appreciates the beauty of the fish's natural aggression.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
my cichlids are enough agression for me lol. I don't want to have to deal with anything like those evil fish. although one day I hope to be able to afford a tank big enough for northern pike or muskies. although that is a long way off.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
do ya think i should keep them seprated
update the one that is in the pic is still alive i hope he pulls thro im of to my lfs tomorrow to get some treatment for infection and some friendly advice i no the lad quite well does any one no that if the damage is only like tissue no organ damage apart from the eye do you think he has a chance i dont want to lose him i have had him since bein fry and they are a lot of work im tryin to breed them i have 2 more tanks not sure of size but all are 2 foot long nby 1 ft width the other to tanks have 6 fry in each from my last batch of rbp that had to be rehomed from growing to big.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I have no experience with pirahnas but I'm pretty sure I've read they need to be kept either singly or in a BIG group in an equally huge tank.

How big's your tank? Just because you say you've already had to rehome some for growing too big.. 2ftx1ft tank is not by any means big enough for a fish that can reach a foot in length. The problem with separating him, is what happens if he gets better? Reintroducing him could be fatal for the fish.

I think your biggest risk right now is infection and hidden injuries. I don't know what to suggest, other than if you dont want such a badly injured fish, don't keep pirahnas. Kinda the same principle for "the best cure for a hangover is not drinking in the first place" lol.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would keep your fish separated as I suggested. Up the tank temperature to around 82and add melafix. Keep the tank free from stress, i.e. don't turn the light on and off several times per day. Even though the damage hasn't hit any vital organs, it is still extensive and prognosis doesn't look good. It's a good sign that he still has most of his fins, so that could help. Keep us updated please on what happens with him.

As for the rest of your piranhas, I would suggest getting out of the piranha business. Personally I don't think they are meant to be kept as pets and they can be downright dangerous to those that aren't qualified to keep them. Since an accident like this happened to yours, I think it's time to turn them in to the local fish store or aquarium.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
yeah i no that i have qt the fish by himself added melafix (got one does off m8) till tomorrow wen i get some just upped temp 2 82 will c how he gets on this is the 1st time its happened but i suppose some fish have temperment 2 i will def keep evey one updated on how he does i hope he pulls thru if he does i will get rid of the rest of rbps and just keep him in a tank by himself i think he has earned it (my lil fighter)is now his name the thing i dont understand is why it happened i feed them every day i mean ive had them 4 near enough now about 4 mnth so i dont no just prayin i no it sounds said but if every one who has read thish link pls put a post in sayin prayin 4 u thanks guys at myfishtank thanks


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
do ya think i should keep them seprated
update the one that is in the pic is still alive i hope he pulls thro im of to my lfs tomorrow to get some treatment for infection and some friendly advice i no the lad quite well does any one no that if the damage is only like tissue no organ damage apart from the eye do you think he has a chance i dont want to lose him i have had him since bein fry and they are a lot of work im tryin to breed them i have 2 more tanks not sure of size but all are 2 foot long nby 1 ft width the other to tanks have 6 fry in each from my last batch of rbp that had to be rehomed from growing to big.
You really should give the piranha up until you gain some more experience in fishkeeping.

How are you going to properly stock and filter a fish tank if you do not even know the size of the tank?


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
yeah i no that i have qt the fish by himself added melafix (got one does off m8) till tomorrow wen i get some just upped temp 2 82 will c how he gets on this is the 1st time its happened but i suppose some fish have temperment 2 i will def keep evey one updated on how he does i hope he pulls thru if he does i will get rid of the rest of rbps and just keep him in a tank by himself i think he has earned it (my lil fighter)is now his name the thing i dont understand is why it happened i feed them every day i mean ive had them 4 near enough now about 4 mnth so i dont no just prayin i no it sounds said but if every one who has read thish link pls put a post in sayin prayin 4 u thanks guys at myfishtank thanks

It happened because these are highly aggressive fish that belong in schools of 6 or more in very large tanks that are dimly lit and provide hiding spaces.

It will continue to happen as long as you keep these fish in an inappropriate environment.

Please research your fish.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I agree with everyone else. Research your fish. The minute you think you know everything research again. It is not possible to know everything about your fish. And that’s the only way you can properly care for your fish is with knowledge and the application of said knowledge.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
u guys no wat every time i put a post on here i have done some thing wrong that all u guys ever say all i wanted to no is if i can help my sick fish out or if the best thing to do is to put him out of his misery i hate seein sufferin and i hate bein made out to be a moron as blue ram said and this site is supposed to b a good one i dont no


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
Okay, so you've already quarantined your fish and you are treating it with melafix. Now all you can do is play the waiting game. Wait and see if your fish pulls through.

I think people are thinking ahead- if/when your fish does pull through, it is probably not a good idea to put him back with the other one. Chances are good that the attack could happen again, and it may be more violent. So people are offering advice as to what your next step will be. Personally, I think you may be right on if you just keep one (if it pulls through). I think it may be much more manageable that way if you really must have one.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
just to let every one no my rbp is still alive and he is movin around more today but he not eatin yet does any one no how long his wounds will take to heal

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