

New Fish
Jun 9, 2009
I have 2 tetra, 3 platy in my tank can I put platinum gourami, pink kissing gourami, gold gourami, angle fish in with these i have a 25 gallon tank

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
just as a forewarning your gouramis may become quite aggressive the bigger they get. when i first started i started adding gouramis, i had gold and opaline and the opaline grew bigger faster and a lot more dominent. both were females. then i took out both of them and started over with a opaline, gold, and pink kissing, pink and opaline were females and gold was a male and i noticed a lot of aggression towards each other in my 55 and towards the other fish. at the time of gouramis i had green, platinum green, albino and tiger barbs, i had lemon tetras (which got along fine with gouramis but not barbs) figure 8 puffer (which terrorized the gouramis) and i noticed that the gouramis and sharks nip back and forth. i did also notice that the pink kissing gourami is kinda passive and got picked on by the gold gourami too. just thought i would tell you my experience with them


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
2 tetras? Any idea what kind? Tetras are fish that like to be in shoals, so 6 or more. I'd increase your shoal with the same species first.

A platinum gourami would work, as would an angel (although these are known to take small tetras for food when big enough). Kissing gouramis are generally a bit more aggressive, and it's advisable not to keep two gouramis in a tank together unless you know for sure they're male and female.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
2 tetras? Any idea what kind? Tetras are fish that like to be in shoals, so 6 or more. I'd increase your shoal with the same species first.

A platinum gourami would work, as would an angel (although these are known to take small tetras for food when big enough). Kissing gouramis are generally a bit more aggressive, and it's advisable not to keep two gouramis in a tank together unless you know for sure they're male and female.
that wouldve been helpful to know 6 months to a year and a half ago since ive been messing with fish. about a month ago i got rid of the rest of my gouramis pink female and the gold which was a male. they still seemed pretty aggressive, well more so the gold towards the pink. he was always picking on her.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Even if they are male/ female it isn't a good idea. If you are keeping more than one gourami I would keep quite a few. Best would be a male to female ratio of 1:3. Increasing your tetra school is a good idea and then picking a gourami to add, just one. I wouldn't put an angel in a 25 gallon...


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Your tank is way too small for that many of that kind of fish. The aggression will quickly get out of control and they will be beating up on eachother, not a fun thing to watch and it stinks to lose fish when you can prevent it. Additionally, the bioload is too high for your tank, take a look at the freshwater stickies or the link in my signature for stocking/cycling issues before you have more problems than you are able to deal with.