Filter Media: To Change or to Wash?

May 15, 2009
On my tanks I have HOB filters that have floss bags filled with carbon, none them have a biosponge, just the floss cartidge. I've heard that these bags can be rinsed off and reused rather than changed when they get dirty. Is this true? Are there any pros and cons to doing this? I'd be more than happy to save money on cartridge replacements if I can.

May 19, 2009
new york
hey i have an emporer 400 biowheel and i dont buy new cartridges, since ther pricey. i reuse mine... however i took out the carbon from the inside of the pads and just rinse the pads in old dirty water while doin water changes to ensure i dnt kill off any good bacteria that would get killed off using tap water.

I use my filters for 2 months rinsing them in the bucket of old water during a change, my filter also has two filter baskets so I alternate each month which one I change out. I use both carbon filters and DIY filters with just the pads, I wouldn't recommend doing away with the carbon as it provides chemical filtration, one of the 3 types of filtration needed.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
i too just use pads anymore ( although once a month ill put carbon in one of my pads
its more for polishing up the water. and ive read to much carbon can leed to head rot.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think the best way for HOB filters is to have two flosses if possible. Like Micah's has two he can alternate cleaning. My aquaclear has two ..even room for 3 sponge in it. It also came with bio media that you really dont have to ever clean that hold a lot of bacteria. I have this after the two sponges. Even better is the bio wheels which neve rhave to be scrubbed or cleaned and hold a ton of bacteria.

With the Whisper style filters..kinda like what you describing..the floss on mine was junk and it got to a point where it had to be replaced. When this happened..I would put a new one on and stuff the old one behind til the new floss was kinda seeded. There is always a risk if you take your sponge or filter media out and replace it with new that the bacteria in it was enough of a loss to cause an ammoinia spike. This depends on some other things too one being how stocked and how much you feed.

If you do end up replacing the floss..only do that and do not clean the rest of the filter.

I have not used carbon is..hmmm 15 years or more except to suck any meds out that I may had to use. I think carbon works in some case if you have a problem can help clear it. I just think it is a waste of money to use it just to use it. My tanks have clear water without it.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Thats interesting about not needing chemical filtration. I always thought it was important to have. If it's true that I don't need it, it would save me some money.
its best to first attack with biological then if needed chemical.
biological is the most important to start with

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Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Oh awesome, well I've been using it for about 10 years now and it definately doesn't hurt. I think I might remove them now and see how the tank reacts. Thanks
it kind of makes you mad when you waste money because you think your doing the right thing !
i know !
and it is certainly great to experiment but do slow changes and document !
it really helps !


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
ive saved money and im sure you will too ! if not come back and tell me to go #$@% in the woods.
the lfs place doesnt usually know what there talking about but if your lucky they do.

and i see you have been a member a long time

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Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The carbon can allow good bacteria to grow throughout it. SO you may be able to leave it in there..just dont have to replace it with new. If your tank gets could be cause the carbon had that good bacteria in it was taken away. dont need it IMO.

May 15, 2009
I've heard the carbon is only active for a few days or so, so it would seem that the rest of the month it's just running biologically anyway. Unfortunately it's constructed in such a way that it doesn't function properly when more sponges or floss cartidges are added to it, otherwise I'd give that a try. My filter is an Aqueon, and the cartidges are pretty sturdy, so I think I'm going to give a shot to the rinse-and-reuse strategy and see how long the floss holds up. Heck, if it saves me a few bucks on replacements over the long run, who's to complain?