What is wrong with him?

Jul 15, 2008
I just bought a new skunk cory on Sunday night, and he has been acting fine, doing the normal cory things. Well today he is acting off. He isn't hungry, and he only moves around the tank every 5-10 minutes or so (Or when another fish passes by him). I don't understand what is wrong.. Could he just be acting that way since it is a new tank, even though I put him in there Sunday evening?

Water parameters are fine as far as I can tell.. I just did a 10% weekly water change yesterday.. Could that have anything to do with it? Everyone else in the tank is acting fine and dandy.

(I am using an API Master Test Kit)
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 15



Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Your water parameters you posted are good. Could be the fish is just settling in. Corys usually do better in groups of three or more. If you have a tank large enough ,perhaps some friends will help him?her feel more comfortable. Corys also don't appreciate warm temperatures. Anything over 77 degrees would be in my view uncomfortable. There are corys such as Sterbai that do well in warmer temps. They very much like shrimp pellets and occasional frozen blood worms or tubifex worms.

Jul 15, 2008
My water is at 76.4 degrees. Is that too much? I have one other skunk cory as well as an emerald cory. He isn't looking so well.. He just doesn't want to move or anything. I am completely confused as to what is going on.. He looks fine otherwise then not wanting to move around much and not eating.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
temperature should be ok. You might try a small water change and see if that doesn't help him or her. Otherwise I would just observe the fish. It is possible the fish was sick when purchased ,but maintaining good water quality can often help fish to recover or fight off Illness.

Jul 15, 2008
Poor thing died.. Not too sure what happened. He is now in my freezer so I can take him back to my LFS in exchange for store credit.. Do you think I should go ahead and get another skunk while I am there? It will have been in the same tank as him.. Is it likely that the others will do the same thing he did?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
What size tank are they in? Cories really like to be in groups, so he could have just been too stressed. A death always stresses your tank out, so I would not get anymore fish right now. Give it a couple weeks and do a couple of water changes and make sure that your current fish are OK first. Then, when you're ready, if you have room, I'd get several of them at the same time. Its always a good idea to ask the store how long they've had a fish...if they have been there for a week or so and are still looking ok (no one in the tank looks sick) then you are probably safe. If they mumble something about they got there yesterday and/or several of them dont look happy in the tank then I wouldn't get any. No use endangering your other fish right?

Oh, and since you're in texas I'd say your temp is just fine :) I wish I could get mine that low in the summer!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I agree with Froggy. Your temp is fine, you could even bump it up to 78-80. I would just try and get store credit if your fish died that quickly. Make sure all is ok in the tank then try again in a few weeks. Be wary of adding fish that need groups though, it can stress them out.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Sorry to hear bout the cory. I would take a sample of your water from the aquarium to the fish store when you take the fish back for credit and ask them ,,if they would be willing to test it for you. Many stores where I'm from, require a sample of water before they will give store credit. As for your temp in the tank, as stated,, it is fine for corys. and without knowing what other fish you have,, I would just leave it be.

Jul 15, 2008
I have a 20G.. I currently have 3 platies, 1 guppy, and my now 2 cories. I may just hold out on getting any more cories for a while--It seems like my two I have now have really buddied up and are perfectly happy. Yes, I am definitely taking a sample and going back to get a store credit. Everyone seems just fine this morning and hungry as ever so I am taking that as a good sign! I have only had my tank a year so I still feel pretty new to all this fish stuff..Thanks for helping!