Fishing lure decoration


New Fish
Jul 4, 2009
I am new to the hobby and just set up my first 29G fish tank. I am cycling it now, but I plan on having a lot of plants, ~10 neon tetras, 5-6 fancy guppies, 1-2 Bolivian rams, and 4-5 cory catfish (or maybe octos). Oh, and some Malaysian Trumpet Snails to mix up my sand.

My question is can i put a fishing lure hanging on the driftwood in my tank? The hooks will be way to large to hook one of the small fish. And I will make the hooks dull and take off the barbs, just in case. But will the plastics of the lure hurt my water? Or if the hooks rust (they probably will after a while) will that seriously hurt my fish?

Also if you have any comments/suggestions about my planned fish they would be much appreciated. I think that these tank mates should get along. I have tried to look up compatibility and read profiles for all the fish but it can get a bit overwhelming at times, so any advice would be great!



Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I personally don't like that chart, it's vague ("asian fish"?!) and doesn't take much into account at all. Your stocking list sounds good, a nice community tank, but out of interest are you planning on keeping both male and female guppies? If so beware they reproduce like mad and not all LFS are willing to take on huge amounts of home bred fish.

As for the fishing barb.. I agree with Stevie, barbs do rust and decompose over time and I think this could make a real mess in your tank. I also think you'd have a big (and painful) job filing down the sharp point and it could still make a fairly dangerous decoration.


New Fish
Jul 4, 2009
Yea I had a pretty hard time with that chart too. Rams are classified as south american dwarf cichlids, right? And it says that they don't work with guppies, but people at my LFSs told me they would be fine. Maybe it says that because rams prefer softer water?

I am only planning on having male guppies. So that they don't fight over the women alot and don't over populate my tank.

Well the hooks will rust, so maybe I'll try and come up with some plastic to replace the hooks with.

Thanks for the advice so far!

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Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
nice plan for the tank you have going. the tank setup looks great! Really liking the driftwood in there.

I do not think I'd go with putting the lure in your tank. Maybe the non-metal parts of it, but def not the hooks


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Guppies are actually very adaptable little fish, I've had them in soft acid water with discus before, and bolivian rams are typical much less fussy about water than german blues, so if you keep it at neutral pH or just below and have it soft, both will thrive. And yeah I forgot to add, I really like how you've set up your tank, something almost amano-ish about it :)