Fish mysteriously dying?

Jul 11, 2009
Well well well, just when I thought I didn't have any more problems. =(

My pleco did die, which I know that I added him way too early but there's no going back and changing that now. And I never physically saw him eat the algae wafer but that's what I was told to get for him and when he was on his last day, I had put one right underneath him and another across the tank, in the morning (when he was dead) he had moved to where the other wafer was at, so I'm sure he was eating them. And I do know my other fish liked to pick at the algae wafers as well. Oh well, this is my horrible learning process...

But now to talk about what I really wanted to talk about. Just after my pleco had died it seemed like my water was doing really good. It started to clear up, and I haven't tested it lately because I let my boyfriend borrow my testing kit, but hopefully he'll bring that over today. But this brown algae, or whatever it is... has completely taken over my tank. It's all on top of my Triceratops skull head where my knife fish hangs out, and now has taken over the front of my tank. As well as a rock I've got laying up against the side of the tank. Is this dangerous for the fish, and how do you get rid of it?

Then my next question... my boyfriend was looking at my tank the other day and said my gourami looked kind of bad, but I said oh he's fine. Well today looking into my tank he looks like someone beat him up. I just think it's odd, I haven't added any new fish, and they've all gotten along so far. So I'm not sure if he's being attacked or if it's something in the water, maybe even that brown stuff? Right now, he's hiding away, which is weird because he's usually out and about. I thought maybe my American Flags were picking on him, but their fins look a little like Gore's. His back fin is all torn apart from each other and the side of his scales, well he looks like he's peeling. =(

He doesn't seem to be afraid of my Knife Fish, so I wouldn't think it's him picking on them. They've gotten along so far, and this morning they were right next to each other while I was feeding, I'd think if someone was picking on him he'd be trying to stay away. Any possible thoughts or suggestions?

My boyfriend just got his 55gal set up a while ago so I'm going to take the filter I had given him for his previous tank and put it on mine, I think this will help. Hopefully it's not too late. My red tail and my ghost knife don't look bad in any way, just my gourami and my american flags a bit.

Also, I've been looking on Craigslist for some bigger tanks, because my brother just moved out so I was going to turn his room into my big tank room. =D I definitely don't have room in mine. If anyone see's anything, I'm trying to keep it rather cheap, I live near Dayton, Ohio. So nothing too far away from that.

PS - My brother just bought a 150 gal tank, it's HUGE!! Just thought I'd share that with you, it's going to be so awesome. LOL

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Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
about plecos not eating algae wafers ive watched mine devour them at night before i shut the light off. its kinda cool how he eats it since hes so big.

to glasseater: what is your stocking now currently that are still alive? you could be going thru an algae bloom which you need to clean your tank. whatever you do DONT USE ALGAE CLEAR or anything that is supposed to kill algae. it could be harmful and dont add any other chemicals unless your just cleaning it and doing water change and ONLY use water change chemicals. from all that ive read and many peoples experience including mine chemicals usually make things worse. and like i said earlier do a water change prolly 50%

and if you buy a tank off craigslist make sure that they can provide you with a full tank of water so you can inspect for no leaks

Jul 11, 2009
I've got:
1 Ghost Knife Fish
2 Dancing Goby's
2 American Flag Fish
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Red Tail Shark
1 Glass Fish
2 Neons

I haven't added any chemicals to my water ever except for the stuff you add when you change your water. I'm hoping to change my water today.

I was searching for stuff and found something about a salt treatment? Here's the link, not sure I should follow it?
Dwarf Gourmai Fins - Tetra Community Forum


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
seeing that you havent cycled your tank, its a fairly easy vedict on how your fish died. also, i would say that you may be overcrowding your tank. the 2 two things you need to fix these random fish deaths are patience for cycling your tank, and less fish.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
I've got:
1 Ghost Knife Fish
2 Dancing Goby's
2 American Flag Fish
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Red Tail Shark
1 Glass Fish
2 Neons

I haven't added any chemicals to my water ever except for the stuff you add when you change your water. I'm hoping to change my water today.

I was searching for stuff and found something about a salt treatment? Here's the link, not sure I should follow it?
Dwarf Gourmai Fins - Tetra Community Forum
well for one the goby's are a brackish water fish so that will need to change or eventually you will see deaths there. switch them out. vaccum your gravel and do a 50% water change along with cleaning your filter out and get your filter on there so it filters better, and administer at least 20-25% water change a week and vaccum everytime you do that since you have a overcrowded tank that is causing lots of poo and other harmful things to build up. also wash all your ornaments and plants off and all this should help a ton with this water change.

Jul 11, 2009
Okay so when I thought my tank was a 30gal, I already felt bad for "overstocking" my tank, I even hate to admit this but I just found out it's only a 20 (or so) gal tank. I was misinformed by my parents and never realized it until I wanted to change tanks this weekend. So I feel even more awful now knowing my tank before was super crammed. =(

So, gourami is looking quite well now. I split my fish up into two tanks. My water was in dire need of a change, my tank a clean, and my fish some health as I was very concerned and didn't want my gourami to die. Although it appeared I needed to worry a little more about one of my flags since he passed before I got him into the new tank. Poor thing was alive, but just laying there motionless, being picked on by the other flag. =( I found another tank in my house, longer but not as tall as my first tank so I was concerned about the gal amount, which is when I discovered my current tank was only a 20gal. The new tank is only a 20gal as well, I've got my Ghost in that tank, which I think (even though still being small for him) this tank is better since it's longer. I kept my same gravel and same filter from my previous tank to keep the cycle going. I added some live plants as well. For now, until I can afford a bigger tank the 20gal has my Ghost, Neons, Shark, American Flag and Half Beak (which I forgot to mention in the last post).

I think possibly what was wrong with my gourami and my flags was either my ghost picking on them (when I didn't see it), each other, or possibly my shark. But I separated the gourami into the next tank I set up, and wow is he looking a lot better. It's just a 10gal, which my boyfriend had already set up. He previously had his gourami and other fish in it until he upgraded to the 55gal tank. He left it up and running so the gravel and filter have all been cycled well. In that tank resides my Goby, Gourami, and my Glass. I added some top live plants and my gourami has lost the "peeling" look. He looks to be healing up quite nicely. He's still got a couple of spots on his head, which may be there forever, but he is acting quite fine.

I'm going to do a water test every other day, at least that's the hope! Also, I was suggested to do a small water change every other day for now, would that be good or no? Hopefully my steps in my "hopes to advance" have been correct, I'm trying so very hard with this!!!! Another question, should I add a pleco to either of my tanks in due time? And if so, how long should I wait. I'm not wanting to buy anymore fish right now, but I'm thinking I'll eventually need a small pleco, or even an Oto. Ideas?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
No plecos in those size tanks IMHO. Otos will work better. Otos eat brown algae mainly. You don't ever 'need' either one. There are ways to keep algae growth in check. Plus, your flagfish if probably the best algae eater you can get. If your tank doesn't grow a bunch of algae you need to feed it lettuce or other greens, or algae tabs.

Do the water tests at least every other day. If you begin to see a rise in ammonia or nitrite, check water daily. Check the 10 gallon too, because if the bacteria went more than a few hours without any waste to eat, they died off and the tank will have to re-cycle. Keeping the tank running, empty, will not keep it cycled.

So you have a 10gallon, a 20 gallon high (20H), and a 20 gallon long (20L). Good start.

Your ghost knife needs to go into at least a 4ft tank as soon as you can manage it. Aso, it will most likely eat your neons, and possibly the flag fish later on. It needs to be with bigger fish, maybe 3-4" American cichlids. Also, it needs hiding places. A pvc pipe works nicely.
Your goby is probably a brackish species. Do you know the scientific name, or can you post a pic? Your glassfish is a schooling fish, and will be much less skittish with some buddies... once you get a bigger tank. They can live in brackish or fresh water, so they could possibly work with the gobies. You'll need to read up on what exactly brackish water is if you intend to set up a tank for them together.
The gourami prefers softer water, as do the neons. The RTS will likely also eat neons and should be with larger fish. The neons are schooling fish as well and will be more comfortable with six or more together.

I'm not saying these things to discourage you at all. It's cool that you're looking for a bigger tank. Since you have these three smaller ones I thought a bit of basic info about your fish's requirements could help you map out a long-term plan for your tanks as well as help you work out the best arrangement for them in the present as well.

Jul 11, 2009
Thanks for the advice, I pretty much already know most of that. Not that I want the neons to die, but I wouldn't be heartbroken honestly. I just got them to have something to swim around for a while, I started with 6, now only have 2. Those 2 seem to be doing fine, they seem to stay out of the way of my Ghost and I haven't seen my Shark chase them or anything. They've all been together in that tank for quite some time now. I'm sure once I get a bigger tank set up I won't be having the smaller fish with my Ghost and Shark, but for now it seems fine.

I had a long tube for my Ghost to go in, but he never did. I've got a triceratops skull head in there, and he went straight for that. He hardly ever comes out! And when he does he darts behind the rock I've got propped up.

Here's my Goby.

That's my Ghost in his triceratops skull, that was taken when I first got him, he's a bit bigger now, and eventually will outgrow it. It's so neat to watch him swim frontwards out as well as backwards out. I love this fish.

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