Few questions..clown loach and cichlid related

Jul 31, 2009
First post!

1) Has anyone kept clown loach? I just want to know if they are hardy. want to add a clown loach to my 20 gallon tank. About 10 bucks at petco.

2) If I were to add two different type of cichlids (Oscar and convict) to a tank, do I just add them together? or shd I first add one (the less aggressive), wait for it to get settled and then add the next one

Jul 31, 2009
No oscar. Too big and messy.

Clown loaches get big as well.

Convicts are barely pushing it. Only 1 pair.
Sorry I shd have explained better.
The clown loach is for my already established 20 gallon (currently have 5 platy, 1 molly, 1 molly fry, 3 cory cat, 5 neon tetra)

Oscar I have now in a different tank and it is the only one in that tank. Now I want to move him to a new 55 gallon tank and put a convict also in there. Thats why I asked if I shd move the Oscar and Convict at the same time so that neither have established territories


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
1 - clown loaches are pretty sensitive when it comes to water treatments, they have a very thin layer of skin/scales so they recommend only using half the dose but treat for twice as long.

2 - depends how big the oscar is? if hes still very small and the convict is bigger you should be ok for now but ultimately the convict will end up getting bullied!!
make sure you provide lots of caves and hiding spots so they can have there own territory but yes the oscar will quite quickly outgrow that tank.
hope i've helped a bit