for around 3 weeks now I have had an ammonia reading of 8.0, the max on my api drop test, when I first noticed this my ph was also very acidic around 6.0 maybe lower since that is the lowest my test goes, my fish didn't seem bothered by these high readings nor the plants, my nitrites and nitrates both were and are 0, the day I noticed such ammonia and ph readings I did a 30% w/c 2 days in a row then started a 50% change every 2 days, now after about 3 weeks my ph is around 6.8 the nitrites and nitrates are still 0 yet my ammonia is off the chart, all I add to the tank is de-clorinator in the bucket with fresh water and let it sit 15 minutes before putting in tank, flourish 1-2 times a week depending on how my plants look, and have been useing ammo-lock to try and control this but decided that it wasn't gettign rid of it and that I shouldn't be adding extra stuff to the tank, please any ideas on why only my ammonia is high and how I can fix it?