A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Hi guys,

I have been doing aquarium hobby for over 7 years now and have had some idea on a computer program that can help me determine how to stock my own tanks.

I've recently created a site that can help you determine what & how much you can stock for your given tank. This is something I coded using my own spare time and it is far from complete. If you are interested, please try this out:

AqAdvisor site

Please feel free to leave any comments. I do plan to update the site approx. once every week or so.

Just to give you some feeling, this program does NOT use a simple formula such as inches per gallon. It maintains a significant DB of fishes with 19 attributes per each species. Each species also features its own bioload for their given sizes hence not all fishes are handled the same. Surface area of the water is more important than the total volume of the tank.

You can also see this page for some details on each releases.


Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
Can you please list out what you have? I do intend to increase the number of species in DB... :)
Badis badis
Boraras brigittae
Danio margaritatus

Not much info out there about the Badis badis. I'd be interested to know what your DB will say they are compatable with. I breed them and have kept them with a lot of different species.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
How does AqAdvisor work?

It's pretty cool but what are the criteria that show how stocked the tank is?
Hi there,

Since I get asked this question a lot, I just typed a short article which describes what it does/will do eventually. Please look here. Click on the article called "How does AqAdvisor work?"

You are welcome to ask any further questions! :)


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Badis badis
Boraras brigittae
Danio margaritatus

Not much info out there about the Badis badis. I'd be interested to know what your DB will say they are compatable with. I breed them and have kept them with a lot of different species.
I haven't heard of those before either. The program won't say much since no information about them have been coded into DB yet. I need to research about them and add them to the DB. The program is still in its infancy stage so please give it some time... :D


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
that is absolutly brilliant! i love it! just entered all 3 of my tanks because i thought i may have slightly overstocked on one (hence why i got 3 filters running it) but my mind is totally at ease, thank you. Its really clever and u could make a lot of money out of it!! well done!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Without having checked out your site, I must call into question the science of the approach. How do you account for individual personalities? That is something no database can account for. I've realized for years that people try to relate fishkeeping to a strategy guide walkthrough, and it doesn't work that way. Anytime you deal with a living being, you enter an area outside of controllable factors, an area a reactive approach becomes more effective. Obviously, it is in our best interest to be proactive and prevent the inevitable from happening, but there is also another area that few have realized: preparedness. It's not uncommon, just unrealized, and it can't always be accounted for. Regardless, it's up to the owner to be aware of what could happen, and this is learned through research. Research breeds knowledge, and knowledge translates to awareness.

However, I do applaud your initiative into helping others stock their tank(s). It's just that simple spreadsheets aren't very effective when it comes to safely stocking a tank. Now that I have looked at your program, I did so during this post, it proves my point: I stocked a 29g tank with only 5 Apistogramma agassizzii's. I can tell you now that fish will die. Your database appears to be bio-load oriented and you haven't taken into account the temperament of various fish.

I only wish to post a warning to others that there are many factors to account for.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I think it is a good idea, but just doesn't do well in taking in consideration aggression. It saidf I could have 15 firemouths in a 60 gallon... I don't think that's a good idea but who knows...

I like it, but it needs work.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Without having checked out your site, I must call into question the science of the approach. How do you account for individual personalities? That is something no database can account for. I've realized for years that people try to relate fishkeeping to a strategy guide walkthrough, and it doesn't work that way. Anytime you deal with a living being, you enter an area outside of controllable factors, an area a reactive approach becomes more effective. Obviously, it is in our best interest to be proactive and prevent the inevitable from happening, but there is also another area that few have realized: preparedness. It's not uncommon, just unrealized, and it can't always be accounted for. Regardless, it's up to the owner to be aware of what could happen, and this is learned through research. Research breeds knowledge, and knowledge translates to awareness.

However, I do applaud your initiative into helping others stock their tank(s). It's just that simple spreadsheets aren't very effective when it comes to safely stocking a tank. Now that I have looked at your program, I did so during this post, it proves my point: I stocked a 29g tank with only 5 Apistogramma agassizzii's. I can tell you now that fish will die. Your database appears to be bio-load oriented and you haven't taken into account the temperament of various fish.

I only wish to post a warning to others that there are many factors to account for.
I appreciate your feedback.

I do find that the aggression(both temperamental and territorial) issue is THE most difficult factor to play into the program. Out of the current 19 attributes, some of them are aggression related. Current version does not utilize these values yet. I do have an mbuna tank and a Lake Tang tank - I am experimenting with mbuna/tang species to see if I can at least approach to solve this problem. I think its doable. Think of this as a knowledge DB - it will continue to grow and at some point, it will contain sufficient knowledge to represent a reasonable volume of knowledge for what most people will need. I do realize its a huge task to collect all the knowledge and try to use them within the code but at least the program is designed with that in mind... Hopefully this will lead to something useful at the end... *SUPERSMIL