Freakish Tank Accident

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Yes, they do. They do state that purchasing anesthesia is the best, but I do not have the money or resources for purchasing that.

Here are a couple websites out of the many that suggest freezing:

How to Humanly Euthanize Your Fish - Rate My Fish Tank

"Freezing is a commonly used method for euthanizing warm water fish. To freeze your fish, freeze water in a small bag until the ice is slushy. Then place your fish in the water and continue to freeze it. The folks at Web Web Media advocate using the freezer but other people feel that this method must be somewhat discomforting to the fish. Out of all the "old-school" methods, this process seems most humane. The AVMA does not advocate freezing fish as an acceptable method of euthanasia; the only way they would approve of cooling would be to deep freeze an animal already under deep anesthesia."

Aquarium Fish Euthanasia

"Ice-Cold Bath
Tropical fish less than 2 inches in length can be euthanized by exposing them to freezing cold water. The fish is put into a small container along with some aquarium water at the normal temperature. This container is then placed into a much larger container filled with crushed ice. This will rapidly chill the water in the smaller container, eventually rendering the fish unconscious. When death is verified, the fish can be removed."

Your suggestion is even more gruesome than I imagined, and is even outlawed in some states:

While too grisly for most aquarists, stunning a fish, decapitating it and then pithing it (physically destroying the brain with a metal rod) is a humane way to euthanize a fish. Because fish can remain conscious for some time after decapitation, the pithing step is essential. If you don’t know how to pith a fish, then don’t use this method."

Q: Humanely Euthanize Beta? - Pet Care Experts Answer!

A: The best way

The best way to humanely euthanize a fish is by putting it in a plastic bag and putting it in the freezer. Make sure you don't wrap the fish in a towel, napkin, ext. because it can keep your fish alove longer by keeping a little bit more warn and moist. Before euthanizing a fish be sure there is nothing left you can do to help the fish. The fish should be dead in about 5 mins in the freezer.

Apr 14, 2008
no1.chuy - Alright, enough!

They froze the fish, that's's done. I think that's more humane then something going wrong in the decapitation process and actually living even if just a little longer. Do you want to be decapitated or have your neck snapped? Or have your gills burned out by vodca? I don't think so. Euthanization is never easy and bitching about the fact they did it wrong isn't going to help them to feel any better.

Grow up.

littletankbigworld -

I'm really, really, really sorry about your guppy! I've lost a few and it is heart breaking! You can get attached to the little guys/girls!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
no1.chuy - Alright, enough!

They froze the fish, that's's done. I think that's more humane then something going wrong in the decapitation process and actually living even if just a little longer. Do you want to be decapitated or have your neck snapped? Or have your gills burned out by vodca? I don't think so. Euthanization is never easy and bitching about the fact they did it wrong isn't going to help them to feel any better.

Grow up.

littletankbigworld -

I'm really, really, really sorry about your guppy! I've lost a few and it is heart breaking! You can get attached to the little guys/girls!

Thank you so much for your sympathy. It makes me feel a whole lot better. Fish are pets, and I could never imagine hurting my fish in any way. I chose what I believed to be the least painful.

Apr 14, 2008
Your welcome! No one needs to be treated like crap because they do the best the can for their animals and someone else doesn't think so. It's not their place to tell YOU you're wrong...

Hope your other fish are fine!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Thank you. My other fish are doing much better. I'm just worried the same thing will happen again. It reminds me of something someone on this forum told me whenever I was new at fish keeping. It was something to the effect of "In fish keeping, you got to make decisions. It's not up to other people to make the decision; it's up to you. Only you can decide what is right for your fish. Other people may not agree, but you have to chose what you think is right."


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
If you are afraid that it can happen again, place a thin layer of foam around your filter intake. what kind of filter to you have? and yes i do think it was your filter that did this.


Large Fish
May 22, 2009
Las Vegas
if i was in pain and it was certain that i was gonna die i would rather go quick. i would pick to be decapitated than throw in a freezer just cuz it looks less painful. would you wanna be frozen to death?

i dont think i was being rude nor was i singling him out im just trying to say there are better ways to put a fish down in my opion.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
If you are afraid that it can happen again, place a thin layer of foam around your filter intake. what kind of filter to you have? and yes i do think it was your filter that did this.

That seems like the likeliest possibility. I was thinking of doing that. Where do I buy the right kind of foam? I'll have to check which type of filter I have.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
if i was in pain and it was certain that i was gonna die i would rather go quick. i would pick to be decapitated than throw in a freezer just cuz it looks less painful. would you wanna be frozen to death?

i dont think i was being rude nor was i singling him out im just trying to say there are better ways to put a fish down in my opion.
The freezer only took a few minutes, and it was the least painful choice. Also, most of the time, people are unsuccessful at decapitating their fish. Blood spews all over the place, and the mangled fish still lives. Plus, brain responses still continue even after a fish or even a human is decapitated. For example: Anne Boelynn, one of King Henry's wives, lived for a full 2 minutes even after she was decapitated. And yes, I would much rather be frozen to death. It may take a little bit longer, but it would be much less painful. I disagree completely.