Help with Diagnosis


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Charlie is very lethargic and at the surface on his side whenever he isnt making an effort to move about. Ammonia spiked yesterday so I had changed about 40% and then again today I changed about 40%. He isn't recooping and I'm wondering if it's something else. I've lowered the water again down to about halfway up the tank so he won't have to exert so much to eat. Any suggestiolns welcome.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Its likely that the ammonia spike affected him even more so. Sounds like poisoning, and it might be too late. Hes having trouble breathing, and isnt getting enough oxygen (no matter how much you aireate the water.

Add a little ammo-lock if you havent already to detoxify the ammonia. then again adding more chemicals would likely screw charlie up even more.

Sorry if the ammonia spike was a result of all those feeding advices i gave you, that'd be my fault then.

Doesnt sound good but ill hope for the best...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Its ok man, water changes are very similar in effects. you're doin your best for treating the poisoning. now in additon to the fungus, charlie has a pretty slim chance, but he can make it...

How high was the ammonia in ppms?
Mine was 1ppm yesterday and my Oranda seems unaffected.

Feb 27, 2009
Charlie is very lethargic and at the surface on his side whenever he isnt making an effort to move about. Ammonia spiked yesterday so I had changed about 40% and then again today I changed about 40%. He isn't recooping and I'm wondering if it's something else. I've lowered the water again down to about halfway up the tank so he won't have to exert so much to eat. Any suggestiolns welcome.
I would not lower the water, it is only concentrating what is poisoning the fish. What water condioner do you use when you add new water?


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
How high was the ammonia in ppms?
Mine was 1ppm yesterday and my Oranda seems unaffected.

1ppm is too high too. I would try to get that lower.

I wouldn't add all the chemicals. I would do a 50% water change and retest. If still high wait an hour or so and do another 50% change. As long as you treat the water before you add to the tank and make sure the temp is the same you shouldn't have any problems with changing out that much.

Good luck.


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
TetraAqua is the water conditioner. Ammonia yesterday was 6.0 ppm by the jungle test strip I have. Today it was 0.5. I did another 40% water change and after that I removed some water so the ammonia that was in there is not the same amount that he's in now.

Feb 27, 2009
A reading of 6 may have been fatal.

TetraAqua's own website Welcome to Tetra does not say what it removes from the water. Only says 'chlorine, heavy metals and other elements,' so I'm not sure what all it does.

Look for a dechlorinator that says it removes or detoxifies: Chlorine, Chloramine, and Ammonia. Prime, made by Seachem Laboritories is what I use. It turns the ammonia into a form that is not toxic to fish, and also can be used to detoxify nitrite when you overdose with it (read label for instructions).

What is your nitrite reading at? It is even more toxic at high levels than ammonia is.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
At 6ppm its safe to say hes been poisoned. i am sorry but this one doesnt look like he will make it. Try to get and keep good water parameters in your goldfish tank. i know it hard to do cuz theyre cows, but frequent water changes help.

I agree with the advice on Prime. Prime > any other water conditioner i know of.


Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
Actually, out of curiosity I used the test strip on my tap water and that registered pretty high (between 0.5 and 3.0 which is what the strip shows). After that I went and bought a test kit MissFishy's site recommends.

I had Charlie about a year so I was doing something right. I had been monitoring the waters with what I had available locally, but given the results on the ammonia dipstick with my tapwater, it isnt too reliable.

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Large Fish
Sep 17, 2009
The Iron Range of Minnesota
I put Charlie out of his misery since I could see he was getting worse. The AquaSafe bottle says it removes chlorine, and heavy metals such as copper, zinc, and iron are neutralized.

I'm going to clean the tank and recycle and try to see where it went wrong.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I'll assume you froze him. Sometimes its a hard thing to do. You did a good thing as far as i can understand his condition.

Provide a cycled tank for the goldfish as you work on their tank.