guppy trying to mate with wrong fish....

Oct 14, 2009
Stuart, Florida
Ok guys I am having problems with my ammonia levels in my tank and am greatly appreciative of the help I've gotten from you...
But my next question is ........I have a male Guppy that is constantly chasing one of my male platys and trying to mate with him...What is going on? why would he be doing that? He litterly chases him like he would a female :rolleyes:*twirlysmi


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
My guess is territory. If its not trying to LITERALLY mate with its gonopodium, then its just territorial agression. wants to be alpha male? idk. maybe needs more females in his harem lol.

As far as ammonia goes, what is the reading on that? a level above 1ppm is concidered to be very harmful, and you should do water changes daily until it gets better. Did you recently clean your filter? clean the decor? gravel?

Last edited:
Oct 14, 2009
Stuart, Florida
My guess is territory. If its not trying to LITERALLY mate with its gonopodium, then its just territorial agression. wants to be alpha male? idk. maybe needs more females in his harem lol.

As far as ammonia goes, what is the reading on that? a level above 1ppm is concidered to be very harmful, and you should do water changes daily until it gets better. Did you recently clean your filter? clean the decor? gravel?
Ok well my male guppy does try to mate with him literlly. so i don't think its aggressive territory. But my ammonia level is at 0.2 and hasn't budged at all with every thing I've done from water cahnges daily to cleaning filter to adding chemicals. so i don't know what i'm doing wrong


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
Hmmm. I have a male guppy that is in love with a big fat balloon belly molly 3x his size. At least she's female. He's species confused, but your guy is species AND gender confused. Are you sure your platy is a male? Is the platy annoyed or showing signs of stress because of him? I don't know how big your tank is or their other tank mates, but this is my recommendation: 1) Do you have a female guppy? if not, or not enough, get another one or two. 2) Make sure there are places for the platy to get away- caves and plants. I have more male than female guppies currently. This is not ideal and causes the females to get worn out from their advances sometimes. I have a great piece of driftwood that is hollow. Whenever I can't find one of the girls, they are in the log hiding from the boys. They come out when they are rested. 3) Move the guppy to another tank for a few days. Rearrange all the plants in the tank and change some water. Leave the tank lights on and put him back in at feeding time. You will have completely changed his territory. Placing him in the tank with lights on at feeding time is disorienting, but he needs to be knocked down a peg in the pecking order and this will do it to him.

Good luck and keep us posted:)

Oct 14, 2009
Stuart, Florida
Hmmm. I have a male guppy that is in love with a big fat balloon belly molly 3x his size. At least she's female. He's species confused, but your guy is species AND gender confused. Are you sure your platy is a male? Is the platy annoyed or showing signs of stress because of him? I don't know how big your tank is or their other tank mates, but this is my recommendation: 1) Do you have a female guppy? if not, or not enough, get another one or two. 2) Make sure there are places for the platy to get away- caves and plants. I have more male than female guppies currently. This is not ideal and causes the females to get worn out from their advances sometimes. I have a great piece of driftwood that is hollow. Whenever I can't find one of the girls, they are in the log hiding from the boys. They come out when they are rested. 3) Move the guppy to another tank for a few days. Rearrange all the plants in the tank and change some water. Leave the tank lights on and put him back in at feeding time. You will have completely changed his territory. Placing him in the tank with lights on at feeding time is disorienting, but he needs to be knocked down a peg in the pecking order and this will do it to him.

Good luck and keep us posted:)
Yes I'm sure my platy is a male he doesn't seem to stressed by the guppys "advances" just tries to swim away from him. there is lots of plants and things i don't have alot of female guppys in my tank i am wanting to get some but am afraid at this time due to ammonia levels and my tank being screwed up. As for moving him i always feed the fish with lights on.