Unexpected Death.. HELP!?!


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
For almost 2 weeks my 10g has been fine I had 4 Serpae Tetras (long finned) and I reduced down to 1 emerald cory cat. I check the water every other day or two and it has been fine. I did a 50% water change the other day because the fish seemed to be swimming slightly at a tilt and they seemed better afterward...

again I have been checking the water and 2 days ago i come home and have a dead tetra stuck in a plant.. and so i did another 25% water change..

tonight I come home and one of the last 3 is sucked to the filter.. I have no idea whats going on.. but I just did another 50% water change..

I am thinking this may have something to do with my water. I am noticing mold growing on the plants in the tank. I know it is mold because it is black and it grows in my washer and toilet too.. could this be what the problem is?

If so I will go buy gallon jugs of spring water so they have better quality water...

please help..

down to 2 long finned serpae tetras and 1 emerald cory cat


Medium Fish
Oct 19, 2009
i agree with Hoontar also you might want to invest in a RO/DI with UV filter to take care of that hard water with mold! I also probably wouldnt drink the water let alone put it in a tank unless it has passed through the filter mentioned lol!


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
If mold is growing in your toilet and washer, your fish dying may be the least of your problems. Have you had your water checked? Most water plants should provide a test kit and check teh water for you for free...