Stocking Questions!


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
I have a 55 gallon tank and was wondering what else I could put in it. According to a stocking website I found here(sorry, don't remember name!), I have 26% of stocking room left( not including the bumblebee goby). These are the demensions and fish in the tank.
The demensions are length:47.4, width:14, and height: 19. These are in inches.
The fish are:
1 BN pleco
1 Bumblebee goby
1 Neon tetra
1 Cardinal tetra
4 Silver-tip tetras
3 Boeseman's rainbows
1 Dwarf gourami
1 Male sailfin molly
2 Rummynosed tetras
2 Dwarf oto cats
and 2 Juhli cory cats

what else can I put in there? Sorry for the long post!


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
I have a 55 gallon tank and was wondering what else I could put in it. According to a stocking website I found here(sorry, don't remember name!), I have 26% of stocking room left( not including the bumblebee goby). These are the demensions and fish in the tank.
The demensions are length:47.4, width:14, and height: 19. These are in inches.
The fish are:
1 BN pleco
1 Bumblebee goby
1 Neon tetra
1 Cardinal tetra
4 Silver-tip tetras
3 Boeseman's rainbows
1 Dwarf gourami
1 Male sailfin molly
2 Rummynosed tetras
2 Dwarf oto cats
and 2 Juhli cory cats

what else can I put in there? Sorry for the long post!
your tetras need to be in schoals of at least 8 of each species. I'm sure others will provide input, but if you want to keep any of the tetras you listed they need to be kept in schoals of at least 8 each to be comfortable, maybe less (6 or so) since some schoal together. Also, 100% is the maximum stocking capacity, not a "target" figure. 74% stocked is a pretty well stocked tank.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
So, i have about 15 inches of fish left, right?
My rummynosed tetras and my neon/cardinal tetras all school together.
How many more tetras can i get? O r, if this is possible, can i get different species that school and they will be happy?


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Visit site
I would concentrate on building up your shoals of what you have before adding new types. The neons, cardinals, runny nose, otos and corys all need groups. A minimum of four in each (in my experience four works for most), but some may need more, you have to watch their behaviour. Even if different types are staying together, it may be just because it is the best option they have at the moment, that doesn't mean it's the best option for them. And watching groups of the same fish swim around is cool, seeing how they interact with each other.
Also, I agree, 100% isn't a target, it's a maximum, and yes having as many fish as possible is fun, you also have to think of their bioload. Plecos can have a big bioload, so in inches they may be fine in your tank, but create more waste than other fish.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
Thanx! Itlooks great! My problem is the neons I just got are miniscul!
Nothing is trieng to eat them though!(thank godness)