A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 11 04 build:

This is a minor release - only fish DB has been updated without code changes.

- Added Dwarf Pencilfish.
- Added Golden/Brown Pencilfish.
- Added Spotted Hillstream Loach.
- Added Altum Angel.
- Added Crayfish.
- Added Weather/Dojo Loach.
- Minimum temp requirement for Dwarf Loach has been reduced down to 24C.
- Minimum tank height requirements for snails have been reduced significantly.
- All species that pair up for breeding have been marked as either bottom or bottom/medium level occupants. This is important because aqadvisor.com calculates territory aggressions for bottom level occupants right now.
- Updated attributes for Green Terror.
- Updated attributes for Firemouth.
- Updated attributes for Oscar.
- Updated attributes for JD.
- Added Hagen Fluval Plus series filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 109.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 301.

Please try out www.aqadvisor.com as usual.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 11 06 build:

- Bottom area territorial aggression algorithm has been further refined. Although I feel this version of the algorithm does a pretty good job in determining the territorial aggression issues amongst aggressive species, aggression/territory data in fish DB may not be 100% accurate. If you feel the calculator reports wrong results, please let me know!
- Added Asian Arowana.
- Added "Note" column in DB. This allows aqadvisor.com to display species specific notes regardless of the group compatibility such as caution notes.
- Added a caution note for Chinese Algae Eater.
- Added a caution note for Crayfish. <-- not done with this guy yet!
- Male and female bettas are marked as unsuitable combo in the same tank using exception flags.
- New feature - water change schedule has been implemented. Water change volume is based on the total bioload of the selected species. Let me know if % looks ok from your perspective.
- New feature - "max number" field has been implemented. As a first application, maxmimum of only 1 male betta can be held regardless of the size of the aquarium.
- Added 125g Lake Tang species tank under suggested tank links.
- Added a short article about water chemistry for beginners.
- Added a short article about algae eaters.
- Added a short article about ich treatment using high temperature method.
- Added Eclipse System 3/6/12 series filters.
- Added Eclipse System 3/6/12 series aquarium tanks.
- Fixed a bug - "Remove" without any quantity would not display the correct % unless refreshed the screen again.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 112.
- Total number of aquarium tanks in DB has been increased to 51.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 302.

Please try out www.aqadvisor.com if you are interested.

You can also leave some suggestions/feedback on this forum.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
that depends on what it is. and what tank it is in. Best tank for goldfish are long types, not cubes or talls.

2 Fancy goldfish wont outgrow a 26 gallon long.
be careful about what kind of fancy goldfish they are.
Technically black moor, and lionheads grow to massive sizes, so i would only keep one in a 26 gallon tank.

Comets will
More than one Common goldfish will (these are the carnival goldfish)
I'm not even going to get started on Koi...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Yea maybe you should, cuz i couldnt find it. Just amke them exactly the same, and put both red cherry and just cherry shrimp in there for easier accessibility.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 11 09 build:

- Added Black Diamond Cichlid/Marakeli Cichlid/Paratilapia Polleni
- Added Glo Fish.
- Added Longear Sunfish.
- Added Pumpkinseed Sunfish.
- Added Red Hump Eartheater.
- Added Red Stripped Eartheater.
- Added The Pearl Eartheater.
- Added Ornate Bichir.
- Added Delhezi Bichir.
- Added Ryukin Gold Fish.
- Added Silver Prochilodus.
- Added Mega Clown Pleco
- Added Tiger Pleco.
- Added Chocolate Zebra Pleco.
- Added Angelicus Pleco.
- Added Northern Mountain Swordtail.
- Created alias for Red Cherry Shrimp as Cherry Shrimp.
- Silver Dollars are marked as fin nippers.
- Attributes for Clown Loaches have been updated. Min tank size required was set at 36x12, ouch!
- Added Aqueon QuietFlow series filters.
- Fixed a bug - sometimes temp/pH/hardness range recommendations were not displayed.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 116.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 320.

Link to the tool: www.aqadvisor.com


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
u need to add panda tetras and marble hatchetfish. they are sooooo cute!
and where can one buy dwarf loaches and pitbull plecos? just curious!

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