What's new for 2009 11 12 build:
- Added Panda Tetra.
- Added Red Lined Torpedo/Denisoni Barb.
- Added Denisoni Barb.
- Added Weeksi Bichir.
- Added Palmas Bichir.
- Added Marbled Bichir.
- Added Buettikoferi Bichir.
- Added Jurupari Eartheater.
- Added Midas Cichlid.
- Added Red Devil Cichlid.
- Added Flowerhorn.
- Added Trimac.
- Added Clown Knife.
- Added Pristella/X-Ray Tetra.
- Added 120g high tank, measuring 48x24x24 inches.
- Updated sizes for all existing Bichirs.
- Bumblebee Goby is marked brakish.
- Minimum number for Cyprichromis Leptosoma has been increased from 8 to 10.
- Lowered all tetra minimum requirement from 6 to 5.
- Lowered all barb minimum requirement from 6 to 5.
- Filtration capacities have been relaxed just a bit.
- Fixed a bug - navigation bar URL and URLs in the articles were broken.
- Added an article "Introduction to mbuna species".
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 52.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 335.
Link to the calculator: