What's new for 2009 11 17 build:
- Added Banded Rainbowfish.
- Added American/Florida Flagfish.
- Added Featherfin Catfish/Synodontis eupterus.
- Added Orange Chromide.
- Added Green/Banded Chromide.
- Added Emerand Green Cory/Brochis splendens.
- Added Betta Imbellis.
- Added Odessa Barb.
- Added Chanchito/Australoheros oblongum.
- Added Flame/Fire/Von Rio Tetra.
- Added Sun/Eclipse/Bullseye/Golden Red Tail/Solar Catfish.
- Added False Siamese(Epalzeorhynchus sp.).
- Sailfin Molly size has been adjusted up from 4 to 6 inches.
- Fahaka Puffer has been marked as species that need to be raised alone without tankmates.
- Skunk Loach has been marked as "aggressive" requiring 5 of them to spread aggression.
- Amano shrimp scientific name has been updated to Cardina multidentata.
- Lowered max pH for all tetra species to 7.6 from 7.8.
- Fancy Goldfish minimum tank size has been reduced to 48x18 footprint.
- Chinese Algae Eater attributes have been updated. It is now little more frendly towards smaller species than before. (But still aggressive).
- Common Pleco attributes have been updated. It is now little more frendly towards smaller species than before.
- Goldfish temperature requirement has been updated to 19-23C.
- Minimum temperature requirement for Boeseman Rainbowfish has been reduced to 25 from 27.
- Will suggest two water changes per week instead if change volume is larger than 45%.
- Will display a serious warning with a suggestion to get a larger tank if stocking level is above 150%.
- Added Ehim Aquaball series filters.
- Added 110g high tank.
- Added Eclipse Corner 5 tank.
- Added Eclipse Hex 5 tank.
- Added a new article: "55g aquarium tank fish stocking suggestions for beginners"
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 55.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 118.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 368.
Question - Cannot find dimension for 30g hex tank. Can whoever requested this get back to me please?
Click on this link to try out the latest version.