A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Hmm not sure exactly what needs to be calculated here. Can you elaborate further?
I just wanted to know if you had plans on adding air pumps (using stones / wands / whatever) for an estimated air "filtration" which would allow a better estimate on fish health issues if that makes any sense

.. ya know oxygen levels *PEACE!*


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 11 15 build:

- Added Ornate Rainbowfish.
- Added Australian Rainbowfish.
- Added Neolamprologus Pulcher.
- Added Freshwater Flounder/Freshwater Sole/Hogchoker
- Added Scat.
- Added Knight Goby.
- Added Balloon Molly.
- Added Blue Tetra.
- Added Agassiz Cory.
- Added Green Neon Tetra.
- Peacock Gudgeons minimum tank footprint requirement has been reduced to 20x10 (typical 10g tank).
- Recognises and displays appropriate note (about need for overstocking for crowd control) when mbuna species are selected.
- Note added to N Brichardi and N Pulcher that they are collective nursery species.
- 55g mbuna stocking suggestion has been updated to allow some overcrowding/overstocking.
- New feature - aqadvisor now has the ability to recognize species with collective nursery behaviors and will calculate required terriroty accordingly. Currently, only three species are marked with this behaviour - Neolamprologus Brichardi, Neolamprologus Pulcher and Neolamprologus Multifasciatus.
- Fixed a bug - didn't always display cautionary notes for all species.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 347.

Please click aqadvisor.com to use the tool.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 11 17 build:

- Added Banded Rainbowfish.
- Added American/Florida Flagfish.
- Added Featherfin Catfish/Synodontis eupterus.
- Added Orange Chromide.
- Added Green/Banded Chromide.
- Added Emerand Green Cory/Brochis splendens.
- Added Betta Imbellis.
- Added Odessa Barb.
- Added Chanchito/Australoheros oblongum.
- Added Flame/Fire/Von Rio Tetra.
- Added Sun/Eclipse/Bullseye/Golden Red Tail/Solar Catfish.
- Added False Siamese(Epalzeorhynchus sp.).
- Sailfin Molly size has been adjusted up from 4 to 6 inches.
- Fahaka Puffer has been marked as species that need to be raised alone without tankmates.
- Skunk Loach has been marked as "aggressive" requiring 5 of them to spread aggression.
- Amano shrimp scientific name has been updated to Cardina multidentata.
- Lowered max pH for all tetra species to 7.6 from 7.8.
- Fancy Goldfish minimum tank size has been reduced to 48x18 footprint.
- Chinese Algae Eater attributes have been updated. It is now little more frendly towards smaller species than before. (But still aggressive).
- Common Pleco attributes have been updated. It is now little more frendly towards smaller species than before.
- Goldfish temperature requirement has been updated to 19-23C.
- Minimum temperature requirement for Boeseman Rainbowfish has been reduced to 25 from 27.
- Will suggest two water changes per week instead if change volume is larger than 45%.
- Will display a serious warning with a suggestion to get a larger tank if stocking level is above 150%.
- Added Ehim Aquaball series filters.
- Added 110g high tank.
- Added Eclipse Corner 5 tank.
- Added Eclipse Hex 5 tank.
- Added a new article: "55g aquarium tank fish stocking suggestions for beginners"
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 55.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 118.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 368.

Question - Cannot find dimension for 30g hex tank. Can whoever requested this get back to me please?

Please Click on this link to try out the latest version.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
do u do saltwater? i don't want to be pushy at all:eek: and sorry if it sounds so, but just curious? and if not, where can i find a sight to stock a saltwater tank? thanx so much!!!!*SUPERSMIL