Info on Black Ghost Knife fish


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
I'm new to the fish keeping hobby (HELLO ^_^) & i have a questions.....

My bf & I just got a Black Ghost Knife fish (more so him)
We are trying to get as much info as we can on them so we can be sure to place it with the right tank mates.
So far we have read/heard they are rather delicate but can be aggressive toward smaller fish, However, we also heard one as small as 3 inches can kill a smaller Cichlid. What we know for sure is that it has killed our Cherry Barb.

We were wondering what experiences anyone else has had & if you have any advice on what we should watch for.

Thanks ^_^


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
firstly make sure its in a BIG tank. more than 50 gal.
Next make sure there are a lot of carves inside the tank that it can fit in, to hide and feel at home.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Here's what I know of BGK's (black ghost knife)

They are as good as blind so they tend to fly around the tank bashing into things (especially when feeding)

Only keep 1 BGK per tank, they do not appreciate their own kind

Keep in a very large tank... they reach sizes of 12" plus

Provide a secure, fairly snug cave or creves as a resting place. PVC pipe is most commonly used for this, doesn't look the nicest but works perfectly.

Their diet must include regular servings of blood worms. (VERY IMPORTANT!)

Aquarium needs a secure lid or you may find him dead, dried up on the floor one morning.

BGK's are nocturnal and therefore any small fish that sleeps on the bottom at night (guppies, neons etc) is likely to be attacked and or eaten.

I have found that this is one of those fish, where individuals can just be straight up A holes. I've seen them bully to death guppies to fully grown cichlids. Yet I've seen others live happily amongst a community tank.

Beautiful, fascinating and all round fun fish to own, with a little persistance you BGK will even learn to eat straight from your hand.

Hope that helps a lil. Good luck.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Drawing on previous comments.. I'd say 100g at least, to allow for a spacious enough area to avoid it bashing itself, and also to compensate for the fact it grows to 2 feet.

Good tankmates, a pleco perhaps, maybe cichlids such as severums or oscars, other large fish that require a similar setup, just not members of their own species and not small fish - they eat them.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
.....I'd say 100g at least.........

....Good tankmates, a pleco perhaps, maybe cichlids such as severums or oscars, other large fish that require a similar setup.....
I agree, minimum 100g and your looking at 200g plus once its fully grown.
I was going to get a 170g with a BGK. The tank mates I was going to add were - 1 common pleco, 1 red tiger oscar, 1 green severum, 1 gold serverum & a larger bottom feeder. So I couldn't agree with 'misterking' more on the good tank mates *thumbsups


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
Thanks it does help

To be honest i didnt really think BGK were the cutest thing either but when my bf brought one home & i got to see it close up it is really kind of fascinating.

So far our BGK only killed the smaller Cherry Barb & is actually rather peaceful with the rest in the tank & even is eating from my bf's hand. We got it one of those "Ghost Houses" (clear PVC pipe basically) when we bought it & buried it in the rocks. We also have a small puffer in another tank so we had blood worms, which seems to be ALL either of them (the Puffer or BGK) will eat anyway.

Hopefully we wont lose anymore fish but we will see. There is DEFIANTLY a bigger tank in the near future, especially if they get that big.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Hey cassaroo,
Use this tool to determine if you have to many fish in that 20g with your BGK. I know they seem to hide all the time so its easy to think they don't need much room but remember they are EXTREMELY active once the lights have gone out for the day. You might be overstocked without knowing it, and if you are, its very likely you BGK will continue his killing spree until he has the amount of room he wants.
Click here --> AqAdvisor - Intelligent Online Freshwater Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
oh yes i will surely be upgrading the tank in the future, not only because of the BGK but for some of our other fish to.

Our BGK only killed one fish so far & i really dont think we are over stocked. We also have a 10g, a 3g, & 2 1g tanks running as well as a smaller (maybe 5g) that we can set up if necessary. However we are watching carefully especially now that we have the BGK.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2009
Chicagoland area
ive had my bgk for about three years he lived in my 29g with my discus and angels for about two and half years hes now in my 37g. when i got him he was 4 inches hes probably close to 7 inches now. he eats some flakes but mostly lives on bloodworms. ive use driftwood for him to hide under since hes not big on light. he now lives in a cave ornament i bought. i always thought they were neat how they swim around.and my dad had one too when i was a kid that lived in his 29g. if mine ever reaches a foot long it will probably still take a few more years for this happen. still a good fish though and definitely unique