kuhli loach keepers..... ( past and present ) quick Q


Small Fish
Dec 6, 2009
I was considering getting some kuhli loaches ( later ) but the 1 local pet store ( havent checked the other 2 ) stated he doesnt carry them cause out of 2 dozen only like 3-4 will live past a week. Is that a basic problem with them? Are they hard to care for is it maybe just his supplier? I will check the other 2 local stores later this week and see what they say, just wanted to hear some info from people that own them or have owned them


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I don't know a whole ton about them, but I had one for a few days. I learned the hard way that they don't do well by themselves...at all. Like I said, mine only lived a few days (the guy at the fish store said they prefered to be alone...GRRR!). I don't know other than that.

Apr 14, 2008
I had 4 for a few years[2005-2006] until last year in the big die off and I'm down to 1-2. They are really easy to care for, but take a long time to get bigger. [Mine are in a 55]

Oh yeah, mine are the black variety.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
they are not hard to care for if your water quality/temperature is in top shape and you feed them a good diet each night. this seems like the case with many/every fish lol.
also keep them in groups like suggested above. if you choose to go with them in a smaller tank make sure no other bottom feeders like corys will be competing with them. i think i mentioned that before.

Feb 27, 2009
I kept 8 in a 29gallon planted tank and they must have spawned, because 3 yrs later when I moved across country and sold all the fish/plants to a LFS, I had 11. I never found a body to know if one or more had died, but the 11 were about the same size. Fun fish to watch, especially after the lights went out (I had moonlights on their aquarium so could watch them easily that way).


Small Fish
Dec 6, 2009
Thanks for the replies... The tank is a 37g. I was either going to get pygmy corys( thx for the suggestion norman lol j/k newman ) or kuhli loaches for the bottom dwellers.... i remember having 1 in my 10g as a kid and fascinated watching it swim all over the place. I have only ever seen the orange/black striped ones.

And what ( and how do you use ) moonlights?

Feb 27, 2009
I used to do reef aquariums, and they are common on those hoods. I had to change out the two bulbs to make it good for freshwater plants, but left in the moonlights. All three on different power switches so you can set seperate timers for them all. Some saltwater fish and animals are bioflorencent so they will glow and the blue moonlights help to see other night-swimmers better.

There should be a DIY project on how to add them to a hood or make your own. I don't have the patience to do it myself, but its not hard.

Feb 27, 2009
That's really cool OrangeCones! Mine are in with other, big fish, so no, known fry. :(

Hmmm....I'm now tempted to get more. :D
Mine were with barbs and dwarf freshwater puffers and a BN pleco, no problems. It helps to have dense plants for them to breed from what I've seen. I let their tank become a virtual jungle!