Does my LPS not know ANYTHING ?!


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
I just thought I'd share my latest aggravation with the Pet Store closest to me...
My b/f brought home a new Cichlid tonight & on the receipt it says its an African Venustus (a.k.a. Giraffe cichlid).
So here is there issue, IT HAS HORIZONTAL STRIPES! not spots in ANY way! urgh!
It took me like 10 min. to figure out its a Pelvicachromis pulcher, which looks NOTHING like a African Venustus.
I've decided either they are COMPLETE idiots &/or just wanted our money.
I'm glad I keep track of all our fish & look them all up. (wish i could do that BEFORE they are bought however thanx to my b/f not always possible lol)

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
maybe so
I dont know
Well yeah most LFS fail to really care about their fishe's well being as opposed to how much revenue they bring in, so theyll just tell the customers anything. they dont need to be knowlegeable, they ust need to act like it...


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Sorry abt that, when i was typing it the 1st time my pc tweaked & posted the single sentence lol
No probs,
I've found my LPS often have fish listed in their computers more for the price rather than type. Example - I bought a peppermint bristlenose which cost more than the standard bristlenose, my reciept said I purchased a pictus catfish. Because they are the same price they simply put it into the computer as a pictus. Maybe they did something similar at your LPS?

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Small Fish
Aug 7, 2009
i gotta say that im getting just a little tired of people complaining about their LFS'... While i will admit that alot of pet/fish stores don't usually hire anybody that "specializes" or otherwise knows too much about the things they work with, (which is more true with chains than locally owned stores) what other hobby do you know of where people just blindly walk into such a commitment with their time and money without doing the proper research, I bet nobody walks into a car dealership let alone a bestbuy without spending DAYS figuring out exactly what they are doing. Instead of encouraging this behaviour we need to start teaching people to do more research.

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Feb 27, 2009
I bought two Zebrasoma xanthurum once from a LPS that were marked as Chrysiptera parasema (a $150 fish vs. a $10 fish back then).

I only wanted one but at that price, I bought both that they had. I resold the extra for a $120 profit. :)


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
i gotta say that im getting just a little tired of people complaining about their LFS'... While i will admit that alot of pet/fish stores don't usually hire anybody that "specializes" or otherwise knows too much about the things they work with, (which is more true with chains than locally owned stores) what other hobby do you know of where people just blindly walk into such a commitment with their time and money without doing the proper research, I bet nobody walks into a car dealership let alone a bestbuy without spending DAYS figuring out exactly what they are doing. Instead of encouraging this behaviour we need to start teaching people to do more research.
I agree with you on doing research first. But the fact is this hobby is a hobby that people blindly walk into and rely on the guidance of people who claim to know best. There are always going to be people doing this and there are always going to be people who work at LPS's who give bad advice so therefore there is ALWAYS going to be people complaining.... If your a 'little tired' of it already, I suggest you learn to live with it, its not going to change any time soon.. *PEACE!*


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
I bought two Zebrasoma xanthurum once from a LPS that were marked as Chrysiptera parasema (a $150 fish vs. a $10 fish back then).

I only wanted one but at that price, I bought both that they had. I resold the extra for a $120 profit. :)
Haha... Ignorance is bliss! (for the customers anyway lol)


Small Fish
Aug 7, 2009
I agree with you on doing research first. But the fact is this hobby is a hobby that people blindly walk into and rely on the guidance of people who claim to know best. There are always going to be people doing this and there are always going to be people who work at LPS's who give bad advice so therefore there is ALWAYS going to be people complaining.... If your a 'little tired' of it already, I suggest you learn to live with it, its not going to change any time soon.. *PEACE!*

Feb 27, 2009
Haha... Ignorance is bliss! (for the customers anyway lol)
I had planned on spending $150 for 1, but spent $20 for 2. So I saved $130 overall just on the purchase. Then sold the 'extra' for $140.

Had the store employee not been so rude (I had tried to explain that the name of the fish was wrong but he insisted that I was an idiot and he knew it all...oh well....heard from another patron of the store that the guy got fired shortly afterward), I would have gladly spent the $150.

In the end, I got the fish I wanted for free and a profit of $120 :) That was the start of the 3rd you see, its all that guy's FAULT that I now have 7 ROFL!


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
I had planned on spending $150 for 1, but spent $20 for 2. So I saved $130 overall just on the purchase. Then sold the 'extra' for $140.

Had the store employee not been so rude (I had tried to explain that the name of the fish was wrong but he insisted that I was an idiot and he knew it all...oh well....heard from another patron of the store that the guy got fired shortly afterward), I would have gladly spent the $150.

In the end, I got the fish I wanted for free and a profit of $120 :) That was the start of the 3rd you see, its all that guy's FAULT that I now have 7 ROFL!
No fair... why can't a arrogant moron work at my LFS?? I wan't $300 worth of fish for $20!!!


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
i wont lie, researching 1st is the best thing because there is a lot more that goes into the hobby than most know (i found out very quickly). However like JRB__ said there will always be people who just go in & buy whatever looks "pretty" or "cool". Which is what my b/f so i cant control his actions instead i just find a solution. Lucky for me we have multiple tanks with multiple variations of aggression so no matter what we can find a place for just abt anything he brings home.
All i would like is the CORRECT name for a fish so i can avoid having to replace hundreds of dollars in fish by accidently putting an aggressive fish in a non-aggressive tank. lol

Feb 27, 2009
Sounds like you have your head on your shoulders to not assume it’s labeled correctly, and researching a bit before you just dump it into a tank. If you are quarantining the new arrivals (hoping so) then you have time to figure out where it will fit in.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
yea i usually look them up while they float. And i keep lists of all the fish in each tank.
lol, thats almost cute.
Quarantine can last anywhere from a few weeks to 6 months depending on what you are quarantining (not sure if thats a word). Definately not just while the bag floats for an hour or so, thats just acclimatising them to the temp of your tank :)


Small Fish
Dec 1, 2009
lol well like i said before i havent been in the hobby very long & im not the only one who has say in how to do things. Quarantining the fish would be better, especially since we already had one incident with ick but i can only do so much.