I have 10 gallon community stocked with rummynose tetras, black neon tetras, and a betta.
Currently the electricity to my room is not working. At night I run an extention from the bathroom to get the heater working. My question is:
Can the changing temperature during the day (~60 F, unheated) and night (~mid-70s w/ heater on) be harmful to the fish?
I'd like to just keep the heater on, but the extension cord running from the bathroom into my room is a hinderance. I'm also at school most of the day. Thanks in advance.
Currently the electricity to my room is not working. At night I run an extention from the bathroom to get the heater working. My question is:
Can the changing temperature during the day (~60 F, unheated) and night (~mid-70s w/ heater on) be harmful to the fish?
I'd like to just keep the heater on, but the extension cord running from the bathroom into my room is a hinderance. I'm also at school most of the day. Thanks in advance.