16G Aquarium Stock Question

Dec 15, 2009
Hey guys, I was given a 16 gallon bow tank and I plan to put 6-8 zebra danios and a clam. My question is whether this is too many fish for a 16 gallon tank? Also, should I add a snail or something for algae control?

Thank you.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i wouldnt go with a clam. they do nothing. and if they die (which is very liekely in less than perfect water conditions) they really fould teh water up.
plus feeding them is a pain. you might be overfeeding your tank only for that one clam.

is the 16 gal long? danios need a lot of surface area to zip around in.
snail sounds cool. what kind?
for alage clean up you can actually fit 5 otocinclus in there with no problem.
just be sure to keep testing your water. otos cant stand any ammonia, nitrites, or too much nitrate in their water.
be sure your tank is fully cycled.

Since you have the top level filled with danios,
you can fill the bottom with pigmy cories, about 8-9 being all right.
on top of all that you can even add 4 endler guppies to fill the middle level...i think they can stay in the middle as well as the top.

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Dec 15, 2009
Thanks for your advice on the clam, I had just read somewhere that they filter the water to make it clearer and cleaner. As for the snail, I'd go with either a Olive Nerita or Japanese Trapdoor snail. Would I need just one?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
nerite is a good choice, but you wont need it if you have 5 otos.
clams wont really clean up your water that much in a tank. the clam would just kind of be..there.
theyre used in ponds mostly.

dont forget about your filter.
To support all i have suggested above youll need at least an Aquaclear 30

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
in that case its a 20 gallon tall. not too fun for the danios, but if you scrap the 4 endlers, and have 8 danios, 8 pygmy cories, 5 otos and a snail or something, with the aquaclear 30 filter, you should be good.

If you can give up on the zebra danios, you can have a good school of 12 or so Rasbora or tetra. go for the smaller species like neon tetra or harlequin rasbora.

obviously you need to keep this heated...

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Dec 15, 2009
Ok great, appreciate the help Newman. Think I'll go ahead with the harlequin rasbora school, 8 cories and 5 ottos. I've still in the cycling stage, so I'll keep you updated as it comes a long.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
make sure you get pygmy cories. 8 normal size cories wont really fit..
i can tell you probably like how harlequin rasboras look, but there are tons of other choices that i didnt mention.
black neon tetra
cardinal tetra
rimmynose tetra
bleeding heart tetra
silvertip tetra
glowlight tetra
emperor tetra
black skirt tetra
black phantom tetra
red eye tetra
diamond head neon tetra

axlerod rasbora
red tail rasbora
eye spot rasbora
clown rasbora

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Small Fish
Nov 10, 2009
Harlequin rasboras are pretty fun to watch, my school of eleven are very active and have interesting schooling behavior and don't really pick on one another at all. I think that you should also consider some center piece fish, maybe a pair of dwarf gouramis. If you did this though I would cut it down to maybe four pygmy cories?


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
What would be considered a center piece fish? Hoping to get something with personality. Thanks.
Anything thats a little larger (than your other fish) & fairly colourful can be a centre piece fish. I'd recommened a Dwarf gourami or a peaceful dwarf cichlid, maybe a german blue ram, or a bolivian butterfly ram.


6 zebra danios in a 16 gallon tank is quite acceptable, as well as te clam. i would suggest you add a few live plants, make sure your lighting will support them, or buy low light plants, and about 3-4 Ottocinclus for your algae control. However algae should not be a problem, unless you start to overfeed, and run your lights too much.


Small Fish
Jul 1, 2009
Just a note on the clam - I have two in my 77gal, and I don't feed them, except for a little daphnia treat once per week target fed with a turkey baster. So no need to worry about overfeeding your tank just for a clam.
They don't do much, very true, but when I vacuum I pull them out of the gravel where they've buried themselves, and it is cool to watch them stick their "foot" out and re-bury themselves again. Aside from that I consider them like a decoration - lots of people put a shell in for decoration, so you can do the same with clams if you want, just stand them up on their butts so they can't reach the bottom. I find that kinda mean, tho, lol, so I let mine burrow into the gravel. :)
(I also have a bowfront 16 gal, stocked with neons, and 3 of the smallest dwarf gouramis - sunset and chocolate - along with some corys. Its a cute little tank)

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