Fish for my 10 gallon

Sep 30, 2004
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So, I went to my parents for the holidays. I was worried the power would go out in my apartment while I was gone due to ice and that my fish would die. So I brought them home with me and kept them temporarily in a 5 gallon. It has a heater and I add water sometimes to give air. Well my 3 red eyed tetras died. No idea why. So when I take the fish back to my apartment in the 10 gallon, what should I add? Maybe just a few more serpae? a few guppy? The betta I have is pretty laid back, doesn't attack.

Feb 27, 2009
So, I went to my parents for the holidays. I was worried the power would go out in my apartment while I was gone due to ice and that my fish would die. So I brought them home with me and kept them temporarily in a 5 gallon. It has a heater and I add water sometimes to give air. Well my 3 red eyed tetras died. No idea why. So when I take the fish back to my apartment in the 10 gallon, what should I add? Maybe just a few more serpae? a few guppy? The betta I have is pretty laid back, doesn't attack.
As long as the 10gallon is CYCLED, I would add a few more serpae since they should be in groups of 5 or more.

What is a 'striped pleco'? Peckoltia vittata?

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I ran my 40 gal for 12 years but that means nothing. i have had over 90 fish die from improper cycling during that period.

Go research cycling a new fishtank. do it...Do It NAOUGHW! (as arnold swartz would say lol)

Feb 27, 2009
I have no idea what he is, it's just a big pleco I got from Wal-mart. Not a Peckoltia vittata though. I forget what cycled means, But I've had the aquarium going for several years. I'm not looking for anything specific.
Unless its one of the dwarf plecos, it shouldn't be in a 10gallon tank. Common plecos can get 2ft in lengh and are very big waste producers. Is it over 4inches? If so, you should re-home it and stick with a dwarf species if you want a pleco.

To keep you tank healthy, I'd invest in a test kit or be a frequent visitor (weekly) to a decent LFS for free testing, if they offer it. Although the test kits can be a big expense, they last a long time and are well worth the price when you can keep the fish happy/healthy.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
To keep you tank healthy, I'd invest in a test kit or be a frequent visitor (weekly) to a decent LFS for free testing, if they offer it. Although the test kits can be a big expense, they last a long time and are well worth the price when you can keep the fish happy/healthy.
It's true, buying a test kit years ago showed me that the majority of issues I was having in my pond and tanks was down to poor water parameters. I suspect your red-eye tetras died from the stress of a move from probably a fairly mature tank (providing it's filtered?) to a "too clean" uncycled tank, or a build-up of their waste for the same reason.

Sep 30, 2004
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Yeah I feel kinda stupid letting them die >< I just didn't want them to freeze. Power probably never went out pfft. I have a test kit. My pleco isn't too big yet. Thinking about upgrading my tank but I'm really broke and I need to decide where to put it. I have cats so I have to consider that but they've been really good about it. You know what's weird about my pleco? I give him algae wafers and he often doesn't eat them. I can go a month or more without giving him wafers, and he still lives. I don't know what he's eating but he seems healthy.