So I want to get a 5.5 gallon tank to try and test my skills with miniature fish keeping.
Substrate will most likely be a sand base (Flourite sand, either white or black). Unless you have a better suggestion for both shrimp and plant growth.
In my tank I would like to try to breed my RCS, so its mostly going to be shrimp tank. Here is what i was thinking:
* Java / Willow Moss
* Perhaps Flame Moss
* Small Marimo Ball
* Java Fern
* Perhaps some Brazilian Micro sword
Any suggestions on Filters would be nice, Ive never used sponge filters, and i dont know how well they would work with the live plant systems, any filter suggestions would work as im still looking.
I would also of course add a small heating unit, a small piece of driftwood and overhead light (dont know if i would keep it open, or have a glass canopy).
Until they bred i might also put some smaller fish in there, perhaps guppies, then once i noticed eggs id move the fish to my larger tanks. Any suggestions for small friendly fishes?
Substrate will most likely be a sand base (Flourite sand, either white or black). Unless you have a better suggestion for both shrimp and plant growth.
In my tank I would like to try to breed my RCS, so its mostly going to be shrimp tank. Here is what i was thinking:
* Java / Willow Moss
* Perhaps Flame Moss
* Small Marimo Ball
* Java Fern
* Perhaps some Brazilian Micro sword
Any suggestions on Filters would be nice, Ive never used sponge filters, and i dont know how well they would work with the live plant systems, any filter suggestions would work as im still looking.
I would also of course add a small heating unit, a small piece of driftwood and overhead light (dont know if i would keep it open, or have a glass canopy).
Until they bred i might also put some smaller fish in there, perhaps guppies, then once i noticed eggs id move the fish to my larger tanks. Any suggestions for small friendly fishes?