Starting a 5.5 gallon


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
So I want to get a 5.5 gallon tank to try and test my skills with miniature fish keeping.

Substrate will most likely be a sand base (Flourite sand, either white or black). Unless you have a better suggestion for both shrimp and plant growth.

In my tank I would like to try to breed my RCS, so its mostly going to be shrimp tank. Here is what i was thinking:


* Java / Willow Moss
* Perhaps Flame Moss
* Small Marimo Ball
* Java Fern
* Perhaps some Brazilian Micro sword

Any suggestions on Filters would be nice, Ive never used sponge filters, and i dont know how well they would work with the live plant systems, any filter suggestions would work as im still looking.

I would also of course add a small heating unit, a small piece of driftwood and overhead light (dont know if i would keep it open, or have a glass canopy).

Until they bred i might also put some smaller fish in there, perhaps guppies, then once i noticed eggs id move the fish to my larger tanks. Any suggestions for small friendly fishes?

Feb 27, 2009
Any suggestions on Filters would be nice, Ive never used sponge filters, and i dont know how well they would work with the live plant systems, any filter suggestions would work as im still looking.
I use sponge filters in all but one of my planted tanks.

I would also of course add a small heating unit, a small piece of driftwood and overhead light (dont know if i would keep it open, or have a glass canopy).
If you are looking at a tank that has a ihood ncluded as one unit, make sure you get a florescent light. Many come with incandescent lights.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i can second that. they're spooked easily and they WILL fly out of that tank :[

As a suggestion, might i suggest a bigger piece of driftwood? like one that almost reaches the surface of the water...that would really look cool :)