Unwritten Law- I sympathize that it is impossible to know everything about every pet. However, the problem isn't the ones that don't know. Its the ones who don't KNOW they don't know and answer like they do! I wouldn't of been half as mad had the employee who helped me not informed me that she didn't know why the fish manager had left the fish like that as she had been in the fish section ALL DAY. The manager thoguht this was appropriate?? Good heavens, it isn't like a betta is a rare, exotic animal. It takes like 5 min to learn enough to keep them alive.
I couldn't agree more that people should do research on their pets before they buy them. With today's easy internet access, there is simply no excuse for not bothering. There is also no excuse for such a lack of pride in one's work that these employees don't bother to learn some basics about the products they make their living selling. There is no reason you would know everything about a reptile, but I would expect you to know better than to make some ignorant remark like "You can feed them anything(cuz I don't really know the answer). They're not picky."
More then anything, I am constantly disappointed in the ethics of the sales people. Either they are knowingly selling 4 fantails to a happy customer who is buying a 2.5g tank at the same time. Or they are so lazy that they don't bother even to ask someone who may be more knowledgeable. My Petco people don't know half the questions I ask them, but they usually know who might help. "Eric may know, he knows alot more than me about fish. I'll get him." And if Eric doesn't know, he says so. And I come here, the best thing that ever happened to the fish in my life
I constantly tell myself that its a good thing I do not approach my job like this. People would die. And while I do not equate the life of an animal to the life of a person, human beings have been given the gift of intelligence by which these animals have come to be in our care. We should respect that and respect them and their position of dependence on us that we have chosen to force on them. I just can't help getting defensive when I see people acting so unethically towards these creatures.
I know you all feel the same or you wouldn't be here. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but somehow it still makes me feel better to hear all your voices agree with indignation at the mistreatment. It reminds me that I can still have high expectations of other human beings because there are plenty that do indeed live up to them.
Thanks for letting me sound off, and for joining me