Are all Chilids Large... What is the smallest tank I can start with?


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
I love the color and variety of the Chillids but am concerned that I need a 50 gallon or larger tank to get involved with them. Can I start with just one or two in a smaller tank?


Cichlids** ;)

You want dwarf cichlids.
Of the dwarfs I have a Kribensis cichlid, Bolivian butterfly ram (cichlid) and a German blue ram (cichlid). They are currently happily housed together in a 20 gallon.

Jan 4, 2010
North of Dallas Texas
Now all I need is another 20! darn... should have taken it and started my CICHLIDS (sorry I'm a poor speller)... lol. I have an empty 10 that I moved all my tetras from into the new 20 (picts in the rate my tank section). I'm hooked now. My husband doesn't know what he's gotten into by getting me a larger tank... now I want at least a 50 then who knows.... all I need now is a place to put them all! *thumbsups

I'll have to keep an eye on craigs list and e-bay for used tanks maybe? Like I said before though... where to put them? :D



Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Very limited on what you can stick in 20 gal. These are great and beautiful fish but they have there down fails of who can go with who.
This is true. My krib is going to have to be moved in the not to distant future as he's beginning to bully the rams a little to much.

My advice for a 20g for cichlids is a small group of rams like 2-3. Give them plenty of hiding places etc and the best possible water conditions and they will thrive.
I've read rams can be a little sensitive to bad water. Blues being the most sensitive then golds and the bolivian butterfly the most hardy.
There's other dwarfs cichlids to choose from though, so look around.

ps. if you like the rams, the German blue ram is probably the most colourful.