

Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
thank you.
<<<<<----the type of pleco i have is the brown one i have in my avatar pic,
what type is that ?


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
This morning Big Sparky was swimming slowly, resting on the bottom of the tank alot, and not eating when we put food in. We changed out some water, we put stresscoat in. Now, Big Sparky is floating upside down, still breathing, but slowly. sometimes he jets out into the middle of the tank ,but he hits his nose into the glass ..I know hes dying but why ? we put in "cycle". then we tested the nitrate, and amonia. both are fine , they match the test strip,.
Little sparky is doing fine;.But why is big Sparky dying ? we've had him for 5 years. raised from a little fishy ..

my husband is beside himself . he loves those fishies. I feel useless and helpless.

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Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
After changing out some wather, We tested for nitrates and amonia,and ph level. all ok. . normal. .we added stress coat and 2 pakets of Furan2 ( cuz it said one pack for each 10 gal. we have a 20 gal tank
Sparky keeps hiding in the corner, his mouth opens alot when hes breathing. he jumps up to the top of the tank to get some air, then comes back down to bottom of tank. then he jets around the tank. bumping into the glass. His scales are not pineconing. but he does look alittle fatter than usual.

we dont know what else to do for him.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
swim-bladder problem with some hint of suffocation from poisoning...and I said NITRITES, those are different and you NEED to test for them too.

Now what are the readings for ammonia, nitrates and pH BEFORE you did the water change (always test BEFORE, otherwise you're fooling yourself by thinking that your water is fine. of course it'd be better becuase you just added clean water..)

Hopefully we can figure this out, and he can make it...:(


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
why are my other 2 fish fine? other 2 : little sparky also a comet and Hoover the pleco ? why is this just affecting Big Sparky . ?

If it is swim bladder =-what is the remedy ? Ive read- fast him for 3 days ,then feed him mashed up peas. Can I feel the other 2 peas as well?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
generally all fish will do fine with peas so yea feed them. fasting is a good idea. also add a little salt to the tank...1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons (this is a severe under-dose just to relax the fish)

Part of the issue here is that diff fish react differently to w/e caused your goldfish to start dying...goldfish usually react in this exact way :(


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
This is how the event happened;
When we saw big sparky flipping on side this morning, we immediately did a water change . Then we added: , cycle , stress coat, Furan 2 medication . Also we added
2 packs of 7.5 amonia balance .

then we tested for:
nitrates ( yes your right, we didnt test for NITRITES.. ) will do that .
ph balance.


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
Thank you Newman.

fasting,. peas. will do. Can i feed him peas now , hoping this will clear his bladder. ? or still wait 3 days ? can i use regular salt / or does it have to be epsom salt ? should i put the salt in now ?


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2010
I would use the proper aquarium salt but I'm just not entirely sure with your tank and. You have goldfishes and I don't know how the salt would affect them as they usually do not require salt. Definitely feed your fish peas now as the sooner he farts (think of human and beans) the sooner he can get rid of whatever it is that ails him. I wish you luck with this one. I've had experience with this problem a while back.

On the another note, Hoover is a common pleco. I have the same one. I got him at about an inch a little bit over 5 months ago and on his last measure he was about 7 inches.

I would also check the params of your tank in a regular weekly basis. You have a 20 gallon with major poopers.


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
oh my gosh, this is confusing, Newman says aquarium salt is ok, you say no.
well. at least you both agree on the peas.. !!

Will my Sparky live if i give him peas and he releases the gas ?


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2010
I'm not saying no about the salt but I'm just a bit unsure about it. I think Newman has a goldfish. He would know more about them than I.

As for the peas, it is not guaranteed. I hate to say it but dropsy is really not a good sign. It is either an organ or organs is already done for or there is too much water inside him that he can not get rid off. If it's water, the salt will definitely help as it will draw the excess water from his body. If it's an organ failure, there's not much you can do.

Thinking about it, what was the last thing that you fed him before he started acting weird? It could really just be indigestion. swimming upside-down, fatter than usual, scale is normal. He hasn't gotten any bigger, has he? If I'm right about this, he really needs to fart. try feeding him ASAP.


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
I just tried getting Big Sparky to eat some mashed up peas, hes not even interested in eating. Now, he does look bloated. he just keeps sitting in the corners of the tank on the bottom. came up for a second, then went back down. Is he going to die by tomorrow morning ?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yeah, I do own a goldfish (and have for the past 13 years, but diff ones lol)
The thing is with goldfish is that they can tolerate salt to certain degrees, but you must not use epsom or table salt, only aquarium salt(to be safest)
the dosage for goldfish is as follows:
1/2 teaspoon for each US gallon. literally.
I suggested a lower dosage just to help out.
your goldfish will be fine with both dosages but the pleco will not like the regular goldfish dosage, so I think your should go with the amount I suggested in the first place...which was 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons.

Unfortunately once something like this happens to goldfish, they seldom ever recover...
I'll be pulling for your goldfish, I really hope it makes it!
as a rule you should always be feeding it peas 1-2 times every week to avoid such occurrences. also your diet could be the problem.
What kind of food do you feed the goldfish and how frequently and how much?


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
we feed the 2 goldfish wardly flakes. every other day. about 1/2 tablespoon. . and Hoover (pleco) those round algae pleco food discs.

p.s . Is it possible that Sparky ate an algae disc and it got , stuck inside his bladder ?

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
ok first of all this is gonna sound mean to you and forgive me if it does but Wardley brand food least in my experience. I used to feed only wardley goldfish flakes to my goldfish many years ago just when I was starting and they all developed constipation, swim-bladder, or digestion problems and have died >_<

Wardley will not be recommended by me...
I can suggest a good goldfish diet for you if you're still interested in keeping goldfish in your tank (I suggest only 1 goldfish in a 20 gallon)

Every other day is good.
The pleco can benefit from other food than algae discs (I REALLY hope you're not feeding Wardley algae discs *thumbsdow)

And no it's not possible that it got stuck IN his bladder because the bladder is not part of the intestinal tract...this is the SWIM bladder we're talking about here ;)
Otherwise it's perfectly good for goldfish to eat the algae discs...just not wardley lol


Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
No, I dont take that as being mean. afterall, I dont stock in the wardly company ! so if wardly food sucks and its making my fish sick , wardly will get thrown out.

yes please suggest a good goldfish diet. and good pleco diet, but you already said; romaine lettuce (blanched ) , cucumbers..

any good over the counter goldfish and pleco food ?

when i said bladder before.. i got confused. i know --swim bladder, the thing that helps him balance this is damaged by too much air intake and not enough gas release ??

sorry .... its late and Im getting tired !

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Small Fish
Sep 26, 2009
Sparky wont eat the damn peas and I need to sleep. I will prob ask you more questions tomorrow.

when sparky dies , we will have left : little sparky , comet goldfish. and Hoover the pleco. I think i need advice how to start over with;

how many fish to stock
what are good foods

see you tomorrow..