considering algae eaters-pleco, snails, Hillstream loach


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
Just working on the stock for my planted 36g tank and was thinking about what sort of algae eater to add.

So far i've been considering:

* Apple snails
* Nerite snails
* Bristlenose pleco
* Tiger/candystriped pleco (Peckoltia vittata)
* Hillstream loach

I hear that the BN is a great eater, but kinda boring. Snails might be a low maintenance route to take. the Candystriped pleco looks cool, but i'm not sure how it does in terms of taking care of algae in the tank. Same goes for the Hillstream loach.



Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
haha... no no, i wouldn't be stocking it with all those. I'd just choose one of them to put in with the rest of fish... which i'm still deciding on.

So which one of those would you choose to go with?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I say 5 otocinclus to start (after you already have brown or green algae growing in your tank) and then add 1 BN pleco to take care of other types of algae including the tougher-than-oto green spot algae.
so 5 otos
and 1 BN pleco

BNs come in an AMAIZING array of colors and patterns, so don't just limit yourself to what you can find in your local LFS, look online.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Otos are cool but not very hardy.... i don't know people that have them for as long as they should live...buying online isn't worth it cause the price of shipping... if you ask your LFS if they can order a certain fish with their next order, they usually will if it's available.

I'd go with a BN, atleast one.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Otos are cool but not very hardy.... i don't know people that have them for as long as they should live...buying online isn't worth it cause the price of shipping... if you ask your LFS if they can order a certain fish with their next order, they usually will if it's available.
I think it depends on the otos, personally. I have two from my original group that have been with me a year (through bacterial blooms, ick outbreaks, switching tanks multiple times...they even survived the Tank of Doom which claimed three guppies, two rubberlip plecos, an angelfish, and a platy) AND one of them is missing an eye (still don't know how that one happened!). So, I think as long as the tank is fairly established, they'll do just fine. :) That's just my experience and opinion, though.