The Hellacious Trio...

Oct 18, 2009
Hi all, just thought I'd drop a line and see if I could spark up a little conversation.
You see my O's seem to be constantly fighting lately. I have 3 of them, which started as four but one took a leap of faith when I switched from a 75 to my 125.
I had 2 abino's a red and a tiger. The albino's paired off right away as well as the tiger and the red. Unfortunately one of the albino's parished so I am down to 3.
For a long while now the red has picked on the lone albino, nothing serious, just a little "showing of who is boss". But every once in awhile the red and the tiger get into it, and I mean they get into it, thrashing about and actually leaving some serious marks on each other from time to time. At first this was only once in awhile, and now it seems as though every other day they are beating the crap out of each other something serious.
Nothing has really changed about the tank, water param's are near perfect, I have actually gotten live plants to thrive in an Oscar tank too! One thing though in particular I could relate to the change in behavior is a few extra fish in the tank. Right now they have a couple of bala's, a couple of tinfoils, a feather-finned catfish, a baby fire eel, and a common pleco for tankmates. The tinfoils are temporary, a buddy of mine gave em to me a while back and they have since outgrown their 29 gallon. So I put em up on craigslist and moved in the 125 for the time being. But they don't mess with any of the other fish, only eachother, that is what I don't understand. The pair (Tigger and Red), have cleared themselves a little hideaway that they sleep in at night, and needless to say, they don't allow ANY other fish in that little cave of theirs for any reason.
Does anyone have experience in the field of bickering Oscar's? If so I would like to hear about it. These guys are in the same category as my family dog so...I am a little concerned.
Oh and by the way, for the first time ever, Red has decided to attack my hand whenever I put it in the tank, at first I figured he thought I had food, but I was wrong. After a few "tests" of his intentions I came to realize he was just being rotten!
Thanks for readin, hopefully others can relate to my issue!


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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the other 2 oscars are displaying mating behavior and the male is trying to drive the only other oscar out of the way first. the oscar sees the rest of the tank mates as a food source but not as much of a threat until they have eggs.

If you got rid of the barbs and those bala sharks (which easily outgrow the tank you have) the oscar MIGHT calm down, but not likely. either way you have way too many fish for a 125 gal


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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Thanks for letting me know the obvious, I was actually wondering about the Oscar's aggressiveness, not the stocking of my tank.
both issues are linked, oscars are predatory, territorial fish. the more fish in their tank/territory, the more aggressive they can sometimes become. some oscars can tolerate a very active tank, some cant. you have one that is taking out his stress on the other who just happens to be his "rival".